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Wednesday, October 19th, 2011

    Time Event
    “Salvation? Welcome to Hell.”

    Located in the deserted regions of Arizona, Tamlagare is considered to be a safe haven for all mythological creatures. Founded by a group named the Force, they strive to keep the city under the radar from the rest of the increasingly civilized world. Creatures come via word-of-mouth from the furthest reaches of the planet – and sometimes beyond – to make themselves comfortable within Tamlagare’s invisible fortress walls. But what they do not know is the sickening reality to which they’re being subjected to once they’re inside.

    Tamlagare is composed of numerous groups who are constantly recruiting for the city’s own civil war. The Thanatists, a group of militants under the Force’s beck and call, are now being targeted for their treatment of the human race. The Theta Brotherhood is a newly constructed group who is fighting for human rights within the city’s limits and against the Thanatists and the Force to achieve these rights. Little do the three groups know of the Order of The Celestial Eagle and The Servitude of Light, who are also having their own contest over the inhabitant’s souls. Couple these factors with one of rising temperatures and a shortage of water and Tamlagare has become a less than desirable place to live. However, most creatures choose to stay in a desperate hope to wait out the growing drought while the humans are forced to stay against their will. After all, who would want to return to a home ravaged by a growing human population?

    [info]tamlagare is an all original, play-by, supernatural city based community established in modern times. Any mythological race or species created through folklore or religion are accepted!

    Game is now opened!

    Community : Races : Rules : Groups : Directory : Wanted
    Murder House: A Haunted House Horror RPG
    Premise Rules Characters Ayers House

    Murder House is an original horror role playing game set in rural Maine in autumn 2010. The game will focus on the experiences of 15 individuals (starting out) who come to the reopening of the famed Ayers Murder House. The house has been transformed into a world class bed and breakfast resort by a mysterious benefactor and whether through contest or invitation, the guests have arrived. Some are ghost hunters. Some are history buffs. Others are just looking to get away for a few weeks. What they aren't aware of is that that there are a multitude of spirits inside of the house, both good and evil.
    And the house is looking to add to the body count...

    The game is meant to focus on the human struggle against the supernatural and the self. The characters will be faced with temptation, horror, and true tests of survival. Each player will take on the role of one character archtype and one type of ghost (should they so choose). That way each player will have the chance to get a taste of the game from both sides of the game. Overplot will be run, but this is meant to be a cooperative experience, meaning that ALL players will engage in creating plot and are encouraged to do so!

    Game begins with FIVE characters. We already have FOUR!

    Rules Application IC OOC


    Deep in the heart of Maine, Old Town is where people with supernatural abilities have migrated and have lived for generations. For reasons unknown to them, it mutes their powers, allowing them to lead more normal lives.To an outsider, at first, it would appear to be just a regular, small town. But take a closer look, you might notice that there are many strange happenings that revolve around certain people. Every two weeks, some of the town-person's dormant powers manifest themselves.

    We are het, slash and femslash friendly. We're brand new and most popular characters are still available so join in on the fun now!

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