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Monday, October 3rd, 2011

    Time Event

    nightingails; a supernaturally gifted storyline
    Still looking to do a long term PSL. I want to explore everything so looking to plot things with others as well and see where the characters take us! More information is Here! Need a Spike, Angel(us), Faith, Wes, open to others as well. Not a lot written in stone as I just want people that like the idea and want to play with it!
    The RPG



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    Most Needed Characters

    Phoebe Halliwell
    Prue Halliwell
    Charmed Kids
    The year is 2025. The Charmed Ones were killed, the Underworld has organized, and the world has been plunged into a harsh black and white, good and evil. there is no more peace, no more neutral. Pick your side before it picks you. The Magic School is one of the only safe havens and another school is up and running for those being turned. By force or by choice. Evil is taking control and pressing their advantage. That is, until the Charmed Children decide that they needed their mothers. A spell that brought them the Angel of Destiny. Except, Destiny works in mysterious ways, and not at all what you expect. Be careful what you wish for.

    We are a Charmed verse game that focuses on both sides of the fight, demons, witches and everything in between. While we have canon characters, the majority of the world is made up of original characters. We welcome diverse characters and so older, younger, gay, straight, white, black, red, green, good guys, bad guys, we want them all!

    GAME BEGINS WITH 7 CHARACTERS. Join today>>>>>

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