Supernatural RP Ads' Journal
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Tuesday, September 27th, 2011

    Time Event
    Still looking for an Angel and Spike! Possibly a Lindsey and others as well. Long term plotty goodness!
    Premise for [info]dont_scream

    Everyone would be brought to a dilapidated old Mansion now changed to an small town with condos, to a black and white town with false memories of a family that you didn't have the day before with no memory of being brought there, they would have to figure out life on the island for themselves, but this was just where their problems began. Not everyone who was selected was good, and not everything that happens on the island is exactly nice. With the presence of Bathazar and Ruby who were there to tilt things in their favor, both good and bad can happen, though they aren’t the only interference since now even though amongst the island’s many mysteries to vampires, demons, the most worrisome would have to be the serial killer that’s took control over the island killing Bathazar. No one knows exactly who it is, whether they are their next door neighbor or the group’s outcast which makes it all the more harder to trust anyone and a wrath is about to unleashed. Will you run or fight it?




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