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Saturday, September 10th, 2011

    Time Event
    Prydon Academy

    "They used to call it the Shining World of the Seven Systems.And on the content of Wild Endevour, in the mountains of Solace and Solitude there sat the citidal of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mighty race in the universe. Looking down on the galaxies below sworn never to interfer, only to watch. Children of Gallifrey were taking from their families at the age of 8 to enter the Academy. Some say thats where it all began."

    Welcome to the Gallifrey Time Academy! If your reading this you've just been accepted to the most prestigious school in the universe. You, along with others of your race, have been chosing to attend via many of our reasoning, up to and including intelligence rate and species survivial count.

    Upon reading this letter you will collected 24 hours from the moment you have recieved it. Once you are admitted you will be taken the Untempered Schism for processing. If you do not wish to further your univerasal education please disregard this letter now.After processing, you will be housed with other students like yourself. Please bear in mind that while some species may be hostile to yours, we expect all our students to be well behaved within our walls.

    "The Untempered Schism. Its a gape in the fabric of reality through which can be seen the whole of the vortex. We stand there, 8 years old, staring at the raw power of time and space. Just a child. Some would be inspired. Some would run away.

    And some would go mad"

    While most are accepted to the Prydon Academy, not everyone will live through it. Theres all kinds of things that could go wrong. Cliques that seek to get you kicked out, baised teachers who fail you for no reason other then they simply don't like you, scholastic riveraly that can, and most likely will, last generations.

    Just surviving the first day is a hardship in itself.

    Those that do, however, will find a wealth of knowledge in their new lives. Billions upon billions of planets and alien species to study, learn from, and watch over will suddenly take up most of your time. Not to metion a whole planet to explore. Amoung a dozen other things to marvel over and remember.

    Including the predjudice from some of the older, more esteemed, gradutes.

    Not everyone here inside or out of the academy is nice. Not everyone is your friend.

    Not everyone is sane.

    Its up to you however to find out who's your real friend and who's not.All while following the rules, attening class, and maybe, if your very lucky, getting to see the universe for what it really is.

    Prydon Acasdemy is a Doctor Who based panfandom Roleplay

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    Looking for a Baptiste Giabiconi PB to play this guy’s epic bromance/possible future arch-enemy type person. Ok, I’m going to be honest here. I’m looking for somebody who’d probably end up killing my guy, or get killed in an eventual fight to the death, so I'd really like to find someone who's totally down with that. And I’m also on the search for somebody who’d PB Lily Aldridge or Miranda Kerr as the smart ass vampire who’s trying to marry Marcus here so she can get into the patrician crowd or use his military contacts and family name to her advantage at [info]asinrome. Too bad he's already betrothed. You know, it'd be awesome if someone could pick up that character too.

    Actually, more people to join the game would be awesome. It seems like it's going to be heaps of fun and I am more than willing to flesh out some super in-depth lines with anybody who wants something!

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