Supernatural RP Ads' Journal
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Tuesday, August 30th, 2011

    Time Event

    ugly america!

    rules + races + faq + holds
    ic + ooc + lines

    "So- supernatural creatures exist. So what?"

    [info]uglyamerica is a supernatural creatures PB game set in New Orleans, LA. Rather than focusing on the "shock and awe" of outing supernatural creatures, our aim is a character-driven storyline focusing on the political and social issues arising from the integration of supes into normal society: think True Blood or X-Men. The NOLA natives have known longer and better than most the existence of the supernatural; the local palm-reader is a little less-than-right, and those bartenders aren't just goth for the eye-liner. And while tourists flock to the city, human and otherwise, to get a little dose of where the supernatural is just plain normal-- well, things have a tendency to get a little ugly.

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