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Wednesday, August 10th, 2011

    Time Event

    Heated Sanguine

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    Taken ~ Held
    Storyline Ideas

    Hidden in the world beneath the cloak of darkness are those that the light shines on too brightly for mere mortal eyes. An abandoned King and a forgotten race of Fae are all that remain of a world torn apart by the battle of the races of time. Elf against Lycan, Fae against Vampire until all that remained were the skeletons of lost races.

    Wandering the world, the vampires hid further into the night, lycans retreated to the deepest forests. The Fae slid into their underground world keeping their magic to themselves and the Elves were lost to the world and mixed into the blood of humans so much so that it was rare to find a pureblooded one anymore.

    Cities are built, worlds change, a King wakens and searches for his lost lover. Their power combined is enough to reawaken a sleeping world of myths, darkness, and fairytales. In this modern day world he is no longer a King and refuses its confines. Always a reluctant King, he has done his last deed for those of this world.

    Now they are all awakening, called to the power of the combined population and some...some are content in the shadows no more...

    Went Public: July 2009 Est: Dec 2008

    The Years Passed: The Wicked Thrive
    The Years Passed

    "My intention is not to offend anyone, but... you have all been wrong. You apply human science to everything, but not everything is of a human nature. There are things that lie well beyond your realm of explanation and understanding, and quite frankly, they always will. For they have been present in this world, for longer than your earliest ancestors."

    -The Demon Pruflas

    With those words, centuries of careful concealment have been unraveled. The underground world of the supernaturals has been brought to light, and very much against their will. The year is 2056, the place is Amsterdam. The capital, and largest city in the Netherlands has become the unofficial home of the Supernatural world. Not only is the local government controlled by wealthy non-humans, but it also happens to be a willing host to those humans who do not shy away from the wicked, but instead embrace it. This harmonic unison is shaken when a demon named Pruflas takes it upon himself to expose the entire world to their kind, simply to combat his own boredom. Residence in Amsterdam steadily find themselves under the judgmental eyes of the world, as well as the terrorism some people are willing to enact, in a desperate attempt to protect the human population from these monsters. The world has come to a precipice, either they will be accepted, destroyed, or they will take the throne, and rule over those below them. Some want peace, others war, and then there are those who have yet to take a stand. Either way, no one will be left unaffected.

    What will they do? Will they burrow deeper into the shadows, in hopes of keeping themselves hidden from the masses of humans who don't understand them, and who don't want them there? Or will courage flourish, and will they show themselves to the world, and insist on living side by side with their sometimes prey? What will they do? What would you do?
    Join Us

    We accept, and are looking for a wide range of supernatural beings. Particularly, humans and demons are wanted at this time. Old and new characters alike are welcome. Have an older character you're itching to play again, and want to hash out? Bring them to us. Or maybe you're not sure what, or who you want to play, or you don't want to come into a game with no ties. There are numerous wanted characters, check the page for a bit of muse like inspiration.

    The cap on vampires and weres has also been lifted.



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