Supernatural RP Ads' Journal
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Sunday, August 7th, 2011

    Time Event
    I rp Dean at </a></b></a>[info]twistdanglsmod or will be soon as we have a Sam Winchester.  Dean is from season 2 (probably about post Folsom Prison Blues or What is and What Should Never be) and I would like Sam to be as well.  There are vampires, witches and werewolves in this town and we could have the boys have a lot of fun...just one thing, no Wincest.  I like my boys to be faithful to canon as they are straight.

    And Jo Harvelle would be much loved.  Possibly as a love interest line for Dean...possibly they both get drunk and sleep together.  Who knows, but it may be a fun ride?

    While I'm at it, I also rp Gwen Cooper from Torchwood.  Owen Harper and Toshiko Sato would be cool to add as well as any new or old Torchwood people (Rex, Esther, Vera, John Hart, etc).  Our three are from series one.

    Any questions/comments/concerns leave them here or PM me your screenname and I will comment or IM you back.

    Heated Sanguine~An Original RPG

    In a place where nothing is ever as it seems, a city rebuilds and attracts the supernatural races that floods, storms, and decay have uncovered. They have seeped through New Orleans for two hundred years. It was inevitable that they would once more become alis and enemies. The comfort of shadows is threatened and when they take off thier masks, the world will never be the same.

    Where everyone wears masks...
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    Davey Jones

    The Flying Dutchman
    a panfandom au rpg

    . 5 star luxury cruise liner . PREMISE . plush spacious guest rooms . RULES . sea monster . TAKEN . pirates . HOLDS . olympic sized pool & hot tub . APPLY . ghost crew . ROOMS . star gazing deck . FAQ . vast deserted islands . AMENITIES . extra spending money provided .


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