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Saturday, July 30th, 2011

    Time Event

    ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO is a small town filled with big secrets - Secrets much juicier than the ones you’ll see smeared across the headlines of tabloid newspapers. It seems that there was some truth to the supposed UFO crash in 1947. Unbeknownst to most of the people living in this southwestern town, there are aliens walking and breathing among them.

    This is an AU re-start of a game based on the plots and characters featured on the 1999 television series Roswell. You can do things your way, weave plots that were never explored in canon.



    This ain't Sweet Home Chicago.

    It's an old, well-worn story, a common fear for societies throughout the ages: things that go bump in the night, monsters stalking the shadows and coming for the children while they sleep. They have different names, and different powers, but they are powerful, and no matter how hard science tries to abandon them, they survive in the imaginations and superstitions of many. At the turn of this new millennium, society's fascination with the supernatural seems to be at another peak. Tales of vampires and faeries, of little boys growing up to be wizards, litter the best seller lists and win the lion's share of the box office; diversions to ease the sting of tough social and economic times. But are they really just diversions, children's stories and fascinations?

    It could never be that easy, could it?

    The creatures of the night do exist, living right under the noses of 'mundane' folk. Surprisingly, their society is much like our own- filled with conflicts, politics, and unrest. And as these tensions rise, and more and more 'supes' seek shelter (or power) from their mundane neighbors, the line between their reality and that of normal humans begins to fray. The carefully-constructed veils of those living alongside the 'straights' begin to falter and fail. More and more, those with supernatural leanings begin to make themselves known- subtly, of course, but they won't go unnoticed for long. On top of it all, wanderers from strange and distant lands (realities, even) begin to show up in Chicago, lost and confused; it is, after all, a crossroads of the Worlds.

    There are those determined to stem the tide, reaffirm the boundaries between the normal and paranormal; knowing humans, some gifted with magical abilities, work together to try and waylay the ancient powers from interfering in the lives of everyday America. So far, they've succeeded. The White Council of Wizards, and its Wardens, work to enforce the Seven Laws of Magic and keep the peace between the civilizations occupying, and traveling through, their territory. But now, with tensions on the rise, and the wanderers coming in seemingly unaware, can they hope to keep the peace?

    War in the Windy City is a panfandom game set in Jim Butcher's Dresden Files universe. Knowledge of the series isn't required to play; any pivotal information will be made available by the mods.

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    Game will open on August 6th, or with ten characters!

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