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Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011

    Time Event
    welcome to the end of the world
    The year is 2014. Most of the world has burned or been infected with the Croataon virus. The world as we knew it is gone. The Military takes drastic measures, setting up a special subdivision designed to handle supernatural forces. Of course to achieve this, they have to use some supernatural elements of their own. As a result of this, there is a dimensional tear, pulling in people from other worlds and other times. Survival in this world is almost impossible, but all the governments and armed forces have joined together and have set up a safe haven (an old army base) in a relatively large city. And nearby Dean Winchester and Castiel have their own little group at Camp Chitaqua.

    Lucifer has destroyed most of the world, and the rest is his playground. He has his own legion of forces and it is anyone's guess who will get to all the new arrivals first and what will happen to them. Many of them are from times and places where none of this should be possible, how will they deal with meeting the devil himself?

    One thing is for sure, the world needs all the help it can get.

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