Supernatural RP Ads' Journal
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Sunday, June 12th, 2011

    Time Event

    The rules are about to change...

    In a town so rich with history it's only natural that things go bump in the night. One of the original 13 colonies South Carolina has seen its fair share of things. From the Native Americans that first inhabited it, demure southern belles, and of course the occasional supernatural creature or two. The residents are left to consider one thing. A scratch at the window, soft knocking on your door, and those soft whispers floating on the air are they the ghosts of past residents or a supernatural being disturbing your peaceful sleep. Sleep well Scarlet Harbor...

    After the great revelation vampire and supernatural tv shows and movies are at an all time high. Vampires, Weres, and witches alike are fighting over to keep their secrets or make it known what they are. There is the occasional new comer and then there are those who just wanted to come home. Now the residents have to come face to face with people they thought they knew and those they never wanted to know. Of course there are those who are hate the supernatual and want nothing to do with them, but what town doesn't have the occasional close minded person?Scarlet Harbor is a busy little town that hardly lacks any excitement...anymore atleast

    Scarlet Harbor is a OC game set in a fictional town just outside of Charleston, South Carolina. Creative and interesting storylines/characters are encouraged. Vampires, Witches, and Were creatures are all included here. Other supernatural creatures will be considered, after all variety is the spice of life! We welcome all your PB choices! Het/slash/femme friendly, we also encourage threads as well as AIM scenes.

    Adds are Tuesday/Thursday/Sunday
    OOC Rules // IC Rules
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