Supernatural RP Ads' Journal
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Sunday, May 1st, 2011

    Time Event

    The world could not account for the spike in unexplained phenomenon in 2009. Whole towns turned against one another, hail the size of tennis balls mingled with lightning-storms-turned-infernos, hurricanes in places there'd never been hurricanes, earthquakes, terrorist attacks, and the list went on in such a short time. The religious grew louder, believing it to be a sign of the apocalypse, but they never really knew just how right they were.

    May 2010, Detroit. Sam Winchester, separated from his brother Dean since September of the previous year, finally tired of his burden and invited the Devil in to stay, and that's when things really got weird. Within hours, Detroit was decimated, and the government could only point to such a wide-scale terrorist attack that martial law was eventually declared.

    The virus, later revealed by its victims, is called Croatoan and all of those tainted run rabid, murdering and infecting anyone they come across who has not been infected. As the spread of the disease gets worse, the president does the unthinkable, bombing whole cities and plugging up routes to stop the spread of the disease and dooming those few survivors. Hope seems to have abandoned Earth.

    News of Camp Chitaqua in South Dakota filtered through the survivors' grapevine and people began to flock to it like mecca. Craving safety, they even manage to put up with its gruff, unapologetic leader, Dean Winchester. No one is sure where the Rifters came from - or how - but they started turning up in 2011 near the perimeter of the camp. Most aren't here for long - they vanish without a trace one day - and those left behind have to weather illness, injury, Croats, and the impending sense of dread that inevitably comes when they realize they've missed the Rapture. Life is hard, and everyone has a job to do, but it beats the alternative and maybe you'll get lucky enough to be reunited with long-lost loved ones.

    Hotzone is a post-apocalyptic multifandom game set in the Supernatural 'verse. Most fandoms welcome!


    [SPN] Mary Winchester, Ellen Harvelle, original characters
    [Criminal Minds] Derek Morgan, Spencer Reid
    ... and more!

    the sideshow
    welcome to the greatest show of them all.

    plotrulesracesdirectoryholdsfriends buttonapplication
    ( game will open may 8th )
    Trying to fathom interest in a new fandom game set in a motel. The game won't be opening till the end of the month which, I know, is a long time but real life is kicking ass till then.

    The basic premise is that characters reach the motel and then find no way out. There will be be chances of time-slips back and forward, instances of famous unsolved mysteries etc. You get the drift hopefully. We'd prefer to keep this to supernatural type shows etc but this isn't set in concrete.

    If anyone would be interested, the hold page is currently open (, and we'd also love to hear from anyone who may have questions.

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