Supernatural RP Ads' Journal
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Friday, April 15th, 2011

    Time Event
    looking for some psls
    Supernatural: I'll play any of the girls (except meg) or a girl!Cas. Would kill for a Ruby/Dean, Ruby/Sam, or Girl!Cas/Dean line right now.

    Doctor Who: I'll play Rose, Donna, Amy, Jenny, Ianto. Would kill for a Rose/Nine, Rose/Jack, Jenny/Jack or Ianto/Jack line right now.

    Harry Potter: I'll play Hermione, Ginny, Bellatrix, Lavender. Would kill for a trio!smut, Hermione/Krum, Ginny/Harry, Lavender/Charlie or Lavender/Bill line right now.

    I'm open to most pairings. Het preferred, but femme or slash for a good line (or Ianto obvsly). Check the journal for other stuff if none of those tickle your fancy. Threading only plz. (though I have aim for plotting if you want)
    [info]zombielane we're a small town gpsl with some zombies thrown in for flavor. The members would especially love to see more PBs from Supernatural, Vampire Diaries, Firefly and The Walking Dead.

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