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Thursday, January 27th, 2011

    Time Event
    Wild Horses; A Buffy/Supernatural/Angel RPG


    Characters Needed: SAM WINCHESTER, Xander Harris, Rupert Giles, Bobby Singer, Connor, Lorne, Andrew Wells, Jonathan Levinson, Lucifer, Caleb, potential slayers, and many more!

    Wild Horses
    A Buffy the Vampire Season 7 & Supernatural Season 5 Role Playing Game;;

    Dreams of girls being murdered all over the world by cloaked beings have haunted Buffy Summers' sleep for months.

    On top of the Hellmouth's door, the new Sunnydale high school was built. Buffy has been hired to work as the new guidance counselor.

    The demon Lilith was finally destroyed by Sam Winchester, however, her death raised the ultimate demon, Lucifer, from hell to finally walk the earth. Lucifer has found his vessel and headed straight to the source of hell on Earth: The Hellmouth.

    The First and Lucifer team up in Sunnydale to destroy the Slayer line, Watcher's Council, and Hunters, especially Sam and Dean Winchester, and to ultimately end the world.

    The First and Lucifer choose the Hellmouth as the place to unleash the be all, end all apocalypse. They want to open the Seal of Danzalthar and unleash the army of Turok-Han (ubervamps) and other horrors upon Sunnydale. Lucifer has brought his band of demons, which are taking over various citizens throughout the town. They enlist the help of faux-preacher Caleb, bringers, and various other-worldly creatures all over the world to destroy the slayer line--starting with the potential slayers, then eliminating Faith, who is still in prison, and finally, Buffy Summers.

    Sam and Dean Winchester, after being at fault for unleashing Lucifer upon the world, get wind of his plans in Sunnydale. They find a page in their father's journal about Hellmouths and other pages about the legends of the Slayer, the one girl in all the world chosen to fight demons and vampires. They come to team up with the Sunnydale crew and help out since their number one enemies have teamed up to end the world.

    Cordelia Chase has returned from working as a higher power with the Powers that Be with no memory of her former life. Connor has been kicked out of the Hyperion Hotel, as a result of hiding Angel under the sea for several months. Wesley is still ostracized from the group and takes his comfort in Lilah of Wolfram and Hart. When Cordelia's memory is restored and she realizes she is no longer part-demon, but an angel--and now knows of Castiel, as well as the rest of the angels and demons--The Beast, is awoken. Its master? The First and Lucifer. They extend their arm of terror to Los Angeles, using The Beast as their instrument to rain literal and metaphorical fire upon the city.

    Rules || Application || Taken Characters || Available Characters || Contact Information

    If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please e-mail the mod at chiigusa [at] gmail [dot] com !

    Characters Needed: SAM WINCHESTER, Xander Harris, Rupert Giles, Bobby Singer, Connor, Lorne, Andrew Wells, Jonathan Levinson, Lucifer, Caleb, potential slayers, and many more!

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