Supernatural RP Ads' Journal
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Thursday, September 24th, 2009

    Time Event
    You're just a normal person, you tell yourself. You go in, you do your job, come back home. Your life is normal and you don't quite believe in the things that go bump in the night.


    That's until you start noticing little things. Like the bakery down the street, the one you visit every day for their delicious cookies? There's always a man there, in a white suit ordering gingersnap cookies. When he looks at you, the sudden need to stuff yourself beyond your limits with everything in sight makes you swallow and run off. He doesn't seem to notice.

    The woman who works at your office, the one who you know is having an affair with your boss, well she always seems as if she's looking at you, smiling wide. And yet, you have this feeling that if you ever budged an inch, gave in to taking what her eyes, her body's offering to you, that if she dared go back to her boss, you'd kill her, you'd kill him.

    What's worse, is when you come home, your child is off. She seems to like playing with her doll, talking to it like it's alive. As if the doll really does say things to her, and every time you see her doing something wrong, it's the doll's name that slips from her mouth.

    It seems you're the only human left in this place.

    Hellocracy is a supernatural RP that involves demons, humans, fallen angels, and a bit of the in between. Currently, we need humans most of all, but demons are still welcome to apply. We add as applications are submitted and have no limits on PB's, children included.

    the premise - humans. | premise - demons. | rules.| species/ranks | needed | taken/held pbs | application | index for everything else.
    Colliding Tides

    ·Taken/Held PBs
    ·Wanted Ads
    ·Mod Journal

    An invitation lands on your doorstep. It informs you that you have won the holiday of a lifetime and that all you need to do is make your way to your local port. Intrigued, you decide to go, if your vessel, ‘The Tide’ is full of holes or the captain is dangling from the mast waving an axe around you can always go home, right?

    However, when you get there the ship is clean, luxurious and appears to be both hole and axe murderer free and the staff are good looking, attentive and seem to be good at their jobs. You decide that you need a holiday and try to ignore the old adage about things that seem too good to be true.

    The ship seems oddly quiet as you’re shown to your cabin, but the space is very comfortable and you quickly, and unusually, doze off. By the time you wake and head to the sun deck, the ship is crowed with new faces and you feel like you might even end up enjoying this trip.

    However all good things must come to an end and after a catastrophe on board, you and your fellow travellers end up stranded and fighting to survive.


    A panfandom and original character RPG ‘ Colliding Tides’ gives you the chance to play with your favourite characters from TV, movies, books, graphic novels, comics and video games as well as original characters within your favourite fandoms or from within your own mind.

    Welcome aboard, and get ready to swim against the tide.


    Open to fandom and original characters, all fandoms welcome.


    IMPORTANT: Please read ALL information in the Mod Journal before applying.

    Any queries or questions fill free to email at:
    Layout profile code thanks to ReversesCollide

    A Buffyverse RP

    The RPG


    Most Needed Characters

    Robin Wood
    A new dawn is approaching. The First Evil has been beaten back, crippled beyond repair. The Turok-han have been reduced to ashes. Evil everywhere has felt the shock waves of good coursing through the world. And they're afraid.

    Now Buffy and the Scoobies have a new mission. Organize and train the new slayers. Scotland has become their headquarters, though they are everywhere, traveling, trying to gather the girls. The Watchers council is currently being rebuilt, sects that the Bringers didn't destroy coming forward to lend a their expertise. Following the destruction of Sunnydale, there was a calm over the world unlike any had been before. A safety.

    However, the peace that has descended over the world is short lived. The balance between good and evil has been upset. Slayers are being killed and no one knows why or more importantly what new evil is doing it. It's up to you to find out.

    Watchers, witches, Slayers, even ordinary hunters are all coming out of the wood work, fighting back, trying to protect the future of good everywhere.

    What side are you on?

    This is a Buffy The Vampire Slayer verse RP. The events that transpired in the comics have not happened. Any questions, feel free to email us at


    No Such Place: An Original Fantasy/Supernatural RPG

    “ . . . All that was left in Pandora’s box was hope.”

    During the 21st century, a global pandemic swept over the world. They dubbed it the “Pandora virus,” or PV for short, because of its devastating nature. The virus tore through the world’s population. It killed almost one-third of humanity in its first month alone. Countries everywhere grew panicked, believing it to be a work of biological terrorism. Nation stood against nation, and a worldwide war began. Much of earth was laid to waste within just a handful of months by the combined effects of nuclear war and the Pandora virus. Survivors immune to the virus found the world uninhabitable, and many of them perished due to radiation poisoning or famine.

    There were other creatures who inhabited this planet along with human beings, though. They had just been in hiding for many centuries. Praeternaturals, they were called. Legendary beings and creatures believed to be nothing more than myth. They were also biologically immune to the Pandora virus. With the foresight of the oracle Euryale, groups of praeternaturals learned of what was to come and prepared for the preordained onslaught. They had built safe havens protected by magic in hidden areas across the world. Taking in as many humans and praeternaturals alike as they could before the war, these communities provided a stable living environment for the survival of all species.

    One such safe haven is an ancient land once inhabited by elves, abandoned by them long ago, and renovated into a sanctuary. They call it Elysium. Located in the modern-day Republic of Macedonia near Lake Ohrid, it was once a part of Greece. Now, it is a part of the process to one day rebuild the world.

    Game Objective.
    No Such Place is an original fantasy roleplaying game established in December 2007. We actively incorporate game-wide plots that affect all players, but we strongly encourage individual plots among players as well. The world itself is completely interactive and reactive. Whether you prefer action, drama, romance, or horror — this game allows you to play all and pick your favorite to explore. Your objective is to create your own story. However, beware the setting. Everything affects everything, and like a domino effect, No Such Place will affect every character and player with things beyond their control.

    Go ahead, take refuge in the land of Elysium. We promise you'll be safe.

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