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Sunday, June 14th, 2009

    Time Event
    Victorian Nocturne - Casting

    London, England
    The 19th Century

    By secret order of the crown, 1891 sees the activation of a covert organisation accountable only to the monarch. Formed in response to occult aspects of the Whitechapel murders, these 'Royal Inquisitors' are tasked with the containment or elimination of supernatural threats to the interests of the British Empire. These crusading guardians are invested with the authority to root out occult elements that could corrupt society. Regarded with respect and fear by the few who know of them, the Royal Inquisition is a highly secretive order, dedicated to upholding civilisation against dark, primordial forces, by any means necessary. Unlike knights of old, they have access to the most radical technological advances of the era: In an age of exploring the unknown, with revolutionary science clashing against religion, Royal Inquisitors not only hold the front line against supernatural dangers, but see themselves as agents of purification, bringing light to shadow and eliminating the preternatural.

    In this quest, concessions must be made. The Royal Inquisitors make deals with those touched by the otherworldly... People with such abilities as speaking with the dead. The Spiritualist movement is taking hold in society and, to the Royal Inquisitors, these men and women are useful tools in their battle against the darkness and are paid for their advising services. One must have bloodhounds when on a hunt.

    Down the centuries, champions of light and dark have always waged war. These diverse groups might find themselves working together to avoid the Royal Inquisition's wrath. Dhampirs, demons, vampires, black witches and white, lycanthropes, practitioners of infernal magic, ghosts of the damned and far more... All might find themselves on the same side before long, drawn together against an enemy using steam, iron and electricity.

    Our Supernatural Lore -|- Frequently Asked Questions -|- The Royal Inquisition -|- Resources

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