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Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009

    Time Event

    Lilith is dead.

    A year ago, those three words would have been cause for celebration amongst hunters.

    Two weeks ago, those words became a nightmare.

    Lilith's blood proved to be the final seal, the last lock on the door to Lucifer's cage, and with her destroyed, he is free to walk the earth. And he is not alone. Hundreds of demons rose with him, the likes of whom have not been seen this side of Hell for several millennium: fallen angels, the first demons ... and the Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

    Lucifer and his kin have wasted no time in destroying whatever lays in his path. The destruction started in Maryland -- but it has not ended there. Major cities along the east coast lay in ruins, and it spreads, day by day.

    But humanity is not alone. Angels walk the earth, and hunters have joined together en masse for the first time in recorded history. The question on everyone's mind is, is it enough?

    hellbound ablaze burnt
    cast + faq & rules + application + timeline + locations

    Burn All Heaven Down is a post-season-4, canon-compliant Supernatural-verse game, hosted on Inksome. All living canons are welcome, as are original characters.

    Game opens June 8th!

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