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Monday, May 18th, 2009

    Time Event
    Cross Academy
    Cross Academy, a distinguished boarding school, is attended by two groups of students: the Day Class and the Night Class. At twilight, when the students of the Day Class return to their dorm, they cross paths with the Night Class on their way to school. The Night Class is an elite group of noble students. But the Day Class does not know the Night Class' dark secret: the Night Class is full of vampires and it is up to the Disciplinary Committee to make sure that the Day Class is protected from this secret.

    Cross Academy was created as part of a experiment to see if vampires could bear living with the humans they lived to hunt. The expansive campus accommodates high school and college students alike with two main buildings for classes, four dormitories, and a library on the far end of the campus.
    How long will the treaty last?
    Mod Journal
    NPC Journal

    Contacts [f-locked]

    Threading Comm
    OOC Comm

    Inquisition HQ
    Day Watch HQ
    Night Watch HQ
    O T H E R S . They walk among us, OBSERVING.
    In the beginning, there were only the humans, and, amongst them, a cursed woman. She was a good woman, pure and kind, but wherever she went, misfortune followed her. Whenever she lit a candle, it went out. If she petted a puppy, it died. If she fed a bird from her hand, the bird would fall from it, dead. Children died in the houses she visited, and the power of her curse opened a Vortext of Damnation around her. With it came the first forces of Darkness. Warriors of the Light rose up to fight the darkness, and thus began the battle between the Light and the Dark.
    All because one human cursed another.
    The battle raged on for centuries, neither side every truly winning. The two sides came to a standstill, and ended up forging a truce. Thus was the Great Treaty formed, and the Inquisition to uphold it. The Light formed the Night Watch to watch over the Dark, and the Dark formed the Day Watch to watch over the Light.
    Thus has it been, and thus shall it always be.
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