Supernatural RP Ads' Journal
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Thursday, March 5th, 2009

    Time Event




    Dusty back roads, motels that have seen better days, sigils and latin, and shotguns filled with rocksalt. It might not be much, but for those who call themselves hunters, that's what they call home.

    Welcome to the world of Supernatural.

    Most hunters can make it thirty years without ever facing the worst of their nightmares. Spirits, vampires, werewolves: those are the easy ones. Most hunters never signed up for fending off the friggin' apocalypse.

    66 seals are all that stand between humanity and Hell on Earth. One by one, the seals are breaking, and day by day, the lines are becoming more blurred. In preparation for Lucifer's return, demons are surfacing en masse -- in numbers far greater than even Azazel could have imagined. They're laying the land to waste, and hunters are far out-numbered. But they're not alone: angels walk the earth for the first time in two-thousand years.

    The war has been raging for the better part of a year. The question is, which side are you on?

    Currently seeking:
    Bobby Singer, Ruby, Alastair, Uriel, demons, angels, martyred dead.
    Original characters welcome and encouraged!

    Supernatural 2012: The Beginning of the End

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    Everyone has heard of the enigmatic date of December 21, 2012. Some model their lives around the cataclysmic change that is said to occur on that date. Some have decided that the world will come to an end, some simply think that the "world as we know it" will change. Sam Winchester has found evidence that this date isn't just another Doomsday Prophecy, it's real and it's happening. Events that were put into motion the moment Dean traded his life for Sam's are leading up to this event. He's seen the angels walking among men, he's seen the demons rising up through the ranks, and he's seen and been touched by real evil. The Five Satans have been walking amongst men for a millenia. Each generation reborn to take a form of a mortal who has somehow shaped the dark history of the world of men. Their day of reckoning is upon the world, and closer than anyone realizes.

    Sam and Dean Winchester have work to do.

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