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Friday, January 16th, 2009

    Time Event

    "As a magician I promise never to reveal the secret of any illusion to a non-magician, unless that one swears to uphold the Magician's Oath in turn. I promise never to perform any illusion for any non-magician without first practicing the effect until I can perform it well enough to maintain the illusion of magic."

    Say you walk into a magic show, take a seat, and see the magician pull out a bunny out of his hat. Yes, entertaining, but there’s a logical explanation for it. Anybody could walk to a store and buy a gimmicked hat. Now, pretend you’re walking down a road, and a street magician comes out and asks you to pick a card from a deck. You pick one out, and it’s the ace of spades. You put it back in the deck, and he guesses your card, and guesses right. There are many logical explanations for this, so you go on nearly unimpressed. Now, say you’re in town, and there’s a magic show in the city. Feeling like you need some entertainment, you go, and the magician levitates himself three feet off the ground. But you think in your head, there must be some hidden wires. Right?

    But what if the magician pulled the bunny out of a hat that was not gimmicked? That had no secret pockets, and no hidden zipper. What if the magician took a random card, and just merely guessed your card out of his head? Without cheating and looking back into the deck. What if the magician didn’t use any wires? He just went up without anything. But how is that possible? Well…

    What if it was all real?

    Centuries ago, nobody knows how, and nobody knows why, but children were being born with these abilities; abilities to vanish objects out of thin air, levitate stories off of the ground, and transform one object into another. The powers have been passed down from family to family, and their abilities have been held a secret because of that one incident.

    Scientists, mad, hostile scientists discovered these gifted people and started to capture them. Experiment on them. And for some; kill them. In their point of view, people like them; people with abilities do not belong in this world. So they capture them, looking for a cure.

    Their abilities; their tricks; all a secret. Some use them to cast magic shows and use it for a living. Some use their abilities for just normal life. And some don’t use them at all.

    But no matter what, a magician never reveals their secret.

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