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Friday, December 26th, 2008

    Time Event
    godlessscomplex | gcboard | godlesscandid

    Life has always been a game of division; G O O D & E V I L. When the game is over and the veil of life parts to reveal that eternal afterlife the winner and the loser are revealed. And the aministrators of it all, the Alpha and Omega, continue to play--a single soul is easily lost among so many others.

    But what of those souls who lose before the game is even over? What of those who are already D A M N E D yet walk Earth still? When all that is Holy turns it's face from you, where can you find peace?

    New York City. Though known as the most expensive place to live in the United States, its also known to be the most heavily populated, with nearly ten million people living and playing in its highly urbanized boundaries. Getting an apartment is a hard, excruciating process in New York -- but getting a roommate who won't steal your stuff or kill you in your sleep and use your body as a work of art in their gallery at the Guggenheim is even harder. And that's just the common places.

    How about a place where your neighbor can w a l k t h r o u g h w a l l s during the full moon? Or where the woman who lives on the second floor has m a s s i v e b l a c k w i n g s like those of some great cro?

    Built by a Daughter of Cain, it is the only place in all the world that cannot be touched by the laws of heaven and hell. The only place outside of the influences of God and Satan. A soft spot where the supernatural is only just below the surface. And since the death of it's original owner it's been rented out to all manner of supernatural creatures, who have been forsaken by Heaven. From demons to vampires to the lingering dead and, most importantly, Children of Cain, those who have made a pact with the devil.

    So, welcome to the Godless Complex. A haven for those forsaken by Heaven.
    For those who are without a God.


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