Supernatural RP Ads' Journal
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Thursday, December 11th, 2008

    Time Event
    You know, [info]saving people, hunting things.

    Behind every corner lurks something that the normal U.S. citizen cannot fathom - but these members of society know all about just what is really hiding under your bed at night. Some hunters were born into their lives, while some were ripped into it due to tragic events surrounding the death or attack of a loved one. It is not a profession one gets into for money or prestige. Hunting is an underground occupation - and one that can often require hunters to break the law or cross moral and ethical lines. Years of training are suggested before anyone gets involved with hunting, even if some don't exactly follow that route.

    The Roadhouse is a frequent hangout for hunters of the supernatural and paranormal phenomena. Hunters can make pit stops at the Roadhouse for rest, information or even help - if they need it. Located in Nebraska, the Roadhouse offers few job opportunities for those who are already familiar with the lifestyles of hunters. Many of the bartenders and waitresses that work there have family members that hunt or have stopped hunting themselves, for whatever reason. Customer wise, it has many regulars and very few outside of the hunting circle find it or enter it.

    [info]saving is a game very loosely based off of the CW's "Supernatural". No, you cannot play Dean and Sam here. No, you can't play Jo, Bella or Ruby either. This game is for you to bring your own demon / ghost / creature hunter! In fact, YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO WATCH SUPERNATURAL TO JOIN! Please read the faq's and rules before applying.

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