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Saturday, December 6th, 2008

    Time Event

    St. Augustine is a Catholic School for gifted students. It has been around for centuries, but no one knows what it truly is. The Nuns from the school sent out letters to specific people, informing them that they should enroll. The specific individuals that receive the letter have something special. An ability. An ability to fly, to stop time, to walk on walls…to make it simple; powers. But why are they sent to the Catholic School? Because the nuns believe that God gave them the abilities, and they have a specific purpose for Him. But how do they know who has the abilities, and who doesn’t? Well, every year they get a letter from a mysterious person with a list of names. Names of young individuals with the abilities; their names, address, age, history, everything is included for each one. The nuns believe that it is from ‘upstairs’, but the unidentified person is really unknown. Nobody has seen this person. But they never question. They never ask. They are confident that it’s Him who’s sending the letters.

    Now the students of St. Augustine are not only being taught math, English, history, prayers, and about the Christian religion; they are also taught how to control their powers by a special group of Professors. They are taught how to control their abilities, and to use them for the good of the people. The students aren’t allowed to question. They aren’t allowed to ask. They are just supposed to listen. But what happens when the students do start to question the nuns? What if they start to question about who’s really sending the letters? Well, all we know is that St. Augustine is probably your oddest Catholic School.

    Game opens when we have five male characters and five female characters!

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    St. Augustine : Probably the most oddest Catholic School yet.
    -- An original RPG

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