Supernatural RP Ads' Journal
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Thursday, December 4th, 2008

    Time Event
    the GAME
    There are signs that warn people that something lurks out there; the icy feeling in your chest, the prickling of your hair, and the feeling of being watched. The only problem is, they may not just believe it, but they know that it is true. There is a darker side to the world that you thought you knew. So be fearful of the night, trust in what you feel - for evil does exist, and nightmares can be real.

    The story is simple: the night world does exist where there are many supernatural races or species that have secretly existed alongside humanity for thousands of years; vampires, witches, werewolves, demons. You were told there was nothing out there to fear in the dark, you were told wrong because they are all around us hidden in everyday life, whether it is morning or night. Your teacher could be one, so could your boyfriend or girlfriend.

    This is what happens when humans and the supernatural cross paths and identities are revealed and forbidden lines are crossed. While many search for that eternal love that they so desperately want, many others are looking for revenge.

    Tangled Skeins
    ... when fantasy meets reality ...

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