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Wednesday, July 9th, 2008

    Time Event

    Born Again

    In the booming town of Boston, MA one of the biggest points of interest is the rich Irish History. Unbeknownst to the mere mortal however there is another world hidden in the city as the Forem Coven tries to revive the old ways by co-existing with the mortals. Maire Rondriel, descended from the founder of The Sanctum Society, has also moved her operation to this fair city. The current Council of the Forem Coven stands as follows: Vampire: Christien Jorgenson, Werewolf: William MacOgden, Warlock: Robert Archer. Together they are trying to make their lessers behave as best as possible. That is until the arrival of an old child of Christien's: Adrian Drake. Together with her werewolf buddie Erik Stevens, and Witch friend Tala Jones she has formed a new group. A new world order known as Novus Coven. They plan to reclaim the world from mortals anyway nessecary in order to restore what they see as balance. Working out of an underground(literally and figuratively) night club called Spike's they are plotting to take ever everything with Adrian set to come out on top. Elsewhere Jereme Endicot is restoring his family mansion when he happens upon a kit and several diaries of his great uncle's detailing what the Endicot Clan once did. The more he reads the more his blood boils to find those who nearly killed off his family centuries ago. Along with his brother, sister, and nephews he reinstates the old family business and sets off on a quest to hunt down and kill supernatural creatures. What will your role in all this be? Vampire? Werewolf? Psychic? Witch? Warlock? Good? Evil? Neutral? Forem? Novus? Sanctum? Endicot? or maybe you're just another mortal who has no idea this is all going on around you? The choice is yours. Just remember to be complex with concept and enjoy yourself!

    Born Again is a Vampire/Werewolf/Hunter-esque game with mature themes. 18 +. Newly opened lots still available. Slash friendly. Creative, Mature Players wanted.

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