Tuesday, December 28th, 2010

Weekly Mod Post, 12/28

We hope everyone's rested and relaxed after their winter holiday of choice!

We are now back on our usual schedule of a weekly mod post (even though this isn't Saturday). We are also out of check-free week, and we will be running activity check over the weekend, so be sure that you post, either journals or rps, to make that.

And, as with mod posts, please read and comment so that we all know we're on the same page.

No activity records have been kept for the last two weeks. Thanks to those of you who played nonetheless!

On hiatus:
All other hiatuses that we were informed of have expired; let us know if that is incorrect information.


Permanent Additions:

Additionally, Jillian has decided to leave the game. We wish her well with her commitments and hope to hear from her occasionally.

With all of these changes, we have updated the friends-add button; please run it. The console is here; the list of names is here

Tryout Characters )

Oracle )

Any questions or comments, please let us know!
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Sunday, December 12th, 2010

Delayed Mod Post, 12/12/10

The only thing we've got this week is the results of activity check, and a player leaving.

For the week ending 12/10, 14 of 21 characters made check.

Peter (made check though)


Cait has decided to resign from the game due to lack of time to play. We are unsure at the present time how (or if) she intends to write Shaun out, but if you have an opinion, contact her or us and we'll try to set something up.

Next week is check-free week, as is the following so that we can all get out of the holidays with our sanity intact. We do encourage people to play, and we want to remind you: after the holidays, we're coming back with Oracle, so be thinking about what you'd like to do with that plot, and let us know what you have in mind.
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Saturday, November 27th, 2010

Weekly Mod Post, 11/27

Weekly mod post! Note use of the word mod: confirm you've read this by commenting.

First, the results of activity check:
19 of 25 characters had activity in this cycle.

The following characters are on hiatus:

The following characters did not make check:
Sara (second consecutive week)
Shaun (second week, nonconsecutive)

Don’t forget that you can always find the spreadsheet to see whether you’re making check here (we update it pretty regularly and note when we’ve updated in the lower left corner):

Activity Check Rules )

Character Plots )

Header Information And Tags )

That's all we've got - any questions or comments?
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Saturday, November 20th, 2010

Weekly Mod Announcements 11-20

It seems like a good idea to just do quick updates weekly rather than bombarding you with a lot of information throughout the week so whee! Here goes!

First, activity check results!

19 of 20 characters had activity this cycle. *cheers*

The following characters did not make this check:


Don’t forget that you can always find the spreadsheet to see whether you’re making check here (we update it pretty regularly and note when we’ve updated in the lower left corner):

Thanksgiving Hiatus )

Plot Chat )

Character Tryouts, part deux )

Well, we think that's it... any questions?
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Saturday, November 13th, 2010

Mod Announcements

So, we've got a few things for the week ahead. We'll likely be trying from this point on just to make our announcements when we do activity checks to consolidate things as a general FYI. As ever, we'd like to hear comments, feedbacks--hey, just general chatter about these points or how the game is going. :)

First, activity check results!

17 of 20 characters had activity this cycle. (Woot!)

The following characters will be removed due to non-confirmation:
Christos, Jesse, and Marina

The following characters did not make the first check:

The following characters are new or are on hiatus (exempt from this cycle):
Alfie, Evran, and Johnny (though the latter did make check)

Please run the Friends Button for all of your characters.

Reminders on Hiatus/Activity )

The Oracle Plot )

Character Tryouts and Holiday Fun--PLEASE READ THIS )

Well, we think that's it... any questions?
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