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City of the Straits: Out of Character

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Mod post: state of the state [07 Nov 2010|04:32pm]
[ mood | chipper ]

A few items of housekeeping for your perusal!

Please note that this is a mod post; we want you to comment that you've read it (even though you all read the email, and we appreciate that, this is a) a mod post; b) has a change to what the email said.)

1) Activity check is now go.
However, based on regaining our sanity, it's not going to run Sunday-Saturday; instead, we're thinking Saturday to the following Friday, with the check posts on either Saturday or Sunday as time allows.

If you're not sure if your characters are going to make check, go here to look. Remember, activity is either one posted journal entry or one posted rp per week - more is always fine, that's minimum guidelines. Also remember, we have no problem with hiatuses as long as they are not excessive; if you know you won't be able to make check because of other commitments that are going to take too much of your time, by all means, hiatus is fine.

2) Current players
We have lost some players as a result of the mod email that we sent out last week. We are currently clarifying with Cait as to whether she's still in or not, but right now, the list of the lost is as follows:

We are not going to write their characters out at this time; we are going to go another week to give players who have rps and storylines with these characters the chance to come up with a workaround for their characters. However, at that time, the characters that these players brought in will be rendered unplayable - because this is an OCs game, we are not going to allow people to NPC characters.

If Cait is, in fact, out of the game, we will allow Shaun, who had a significant connection to a number of people, to be killed off for plot purposes, but our consideration of the other characters is that they did not develop attachments in game and it's preferable to simply edit them out of the wiki and the game and leave them be.

Additionally: we will not be updating the friends button until next week; please hold off on defriending people just yet.

3) Factions
We realise we're harping, but if you have a character who is not yet aligned with a faction (that you want to align) send an email to the mods and we'll help you with that. Plots will be coming up soon that will require people to know where they stand. While it's fine to not yet align, we do want to get a sense (particularly on the mages side) of whether we've got one faction, two, three, or more.

4) Questions?
Contact us.

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Plot: Scatterheart [07 Nov 2010|06:33pm]
We (the mods) have been talking for a while about different plot ideas and we came up with one that might be a little quirky but that we think would be interesting to throw out there. This one involves the Oracle on Belle Isle.

The original writeup on the Oracle is here:

It still holds true but with gameplay, it seems that there are a couple things that have arisen to alter the story a little. The first being that the mages are, for whatever reason, afraid of the Oracle. The second, that the witchfinders, having been left without leadership in the wake of West’s death, don’t seem to go to Belle Isle that much (other than to get the potion) and don’t really understand what the Oracle is or why she’s being locked away.

The Oracle is, as we see it, a creature of time and magic. Time is an artificial constraint and she prophesies not in the traditional manner but because she is able to step outside of time itself and be a part of past, present, and future. She has, in fact, been kept under control through the use of drugs but that’s about to change.

Vincent, the ex-witchfinder who’s caused some minor trouble for the faction, is out for power and to grab power and control of the faction, he feels that he needs to create chaos. He stops the drug, kills the Keepers, and releases the Oracle out into the streets.

The Oracle looks like a young woman, no more or less remarkable than any other young woman, save for the fact that she’s muttering to herself as she wanders through the streets. What happens, however, is that she begins telling characters the past and suddenly, it starts to repeat itself, in different contexts, in the future. She’ll be an NPC for NPC use and any character who would like to have her tell their story is welcome either to use her or to email the mods and ask for a post from her. She will have her own journal, located at cos_oracle. (The pass is the same as our Twitter.)

For example--she might tell one character about a man who walked into an elementary school classroom and shot several students (Vincent’s past) only for the news the next day to reveal that three children were killed in another classroom, with a different witchfinder there who this time tries to stop it.

The witchfinders, of course, want her back under their control and the mages want the same (or may want her dead). At this time, we do not have a finite end to the plot as it has so many plausible outcomes but would like to launch it in December.

Thoughts, questions, feedback? (And did any of this make sense?)

* * *

For purposes of tagging, this plot is called "Scatterheart."
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