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[03 Jan 2011|12:22pm]
Hey people! I had the flu during the holidays so that's why I went underground. Anyways, I hope all my old lines are still game and I'm also eager to have some with the new peeps. He's a history professor, from Spain, working at the university of Vermont. I'm all for brainstorming
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[03 Jan 2011|07:35pm]
Hey guys. I've tried my hand at ~pbads with no luck so I figured I'd turn here. I'm in the process of writing up this girl here. Her name is Stella Kane, she's 25 years old and a Stowe native. She's a full-time tattoo artist and a part-time musician on the weekends. Like every other musician, she has dreams of hitting it big one day but she's realistic about it and knows that her chances aren't great. If she can fill anything for you, let me know! A cousin, a best friend, a neighbor, a roomie, an ex, or even a potential love interest. I'd also love to get some people to play in her band so if anyone is thinking of bringing in another character, that would be aaamazing! Anyway. Hit me with your lines. :]
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