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janessawrites [26 Dec 2010|07:05pm]
Wow, talk about Cold. Its a good thing I love winter.

My name is Janessa and I write books, columns and use to host a radio show, all of which talk about spicing up your sex life, relationships and marriages. Good thing about my job is I can do it from anywhere and thats how I am here!

So there ya go. Now tell me a bit about you?
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maryonthegogo [26 Dec 2010|09:13pm]
Hello! I'm Maryann. Or Mary, or Ann or 'Hey you!' or Doc. I really don't care what you call me. I'm not picky, for the most part.

I hate making introductions because I stink at them, and too be brutally honest, I haven't had much sleep in the past few days. So here I am on a partial caffeine/sugar high waiting for that impending crash. Perfect timing right?

I've lived here in Vermont for a few years now, but I'm not so great and making friends with my work habits, so here I am world wide web! I'm an ER doc, so if I've seen you there, I am sorry about your insurance bills. ;)

Did everyone have great holidays? Have you ever had one of those nights that regardless of all the bad, that there was something that was so good it made you do something silly like dance or sing? I'm there right now myself.
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