November 15th, 2009

[info]icedark_elf in [info]story_arc

Admin Post

All right. I've been a bad, bad mod. *smacks hands*

I need a show of hands. Other than people who have just joined, how many people are still active on their prompts, and interested in completing them?

If you are, reply to this within a week, and I'll leave your claim up. If not, after a week, I'll take it down and clean up the claims list.

I apologize for how long it took me to get focused again, but I hope to do better in the future.
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[info]icedark_elf in [info]story_arc

Fic: Dain af Niohoggr 2/30 (FFVII-Mercverse: Thirty Set 01: 20-Spar)

Title: Dain af Niohoggr
Author: GW Katrina
Beta: Skeren
Fandom: FFVII: Mercverse
Claim: [info]mercverse for [info]story_arc
Themeset/Prompt: Thirty Set 01: Spar
Wordcount: 2044
Ratings: PG-13
Link to Archive Post: Here

Dain af Niohoggr