Out of character community for Stone Gap - January 24th, 2015 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Out of character community for Stone Gap

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January 24th, 2015

[Jan. 24th, 2015|10:01 am]


Are we opening today? Huh huh huh?

I should have been plotting... Tawas... shall we plot?!
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[Jan. 24th, 2015|04:56 pm]


Hi guys, we are opening today! So plot, post, dance, sing, pimp! If you need anything just ask us
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[Jan. 24th, 2015|05:34 pm]


Hi, everyone!

I'm Caitlin! Most of you probably know me at this point but for those that don't: I love to play World of Warcraft, I have a doggie I recently adopted who is my baby, and I work at my alma mater as the Costume Shop Manager part-time. I am online 99% of my day, even at work, so you can almost always contact me though I may be slow to reply if I am working with students or on a project.

I bring with me wee child of 12, Evelyn. [info]in_b_tween She's a sweetie and very independent for her age, having grown up in a busy city with a nanny over her own parents. She likes to dance and be pretty playful now that she has the opportunity!

I would really love to do some story and maybe find some kind souls to adopt her to their family, to be her friends and guide her as she grows. Twelve is very impressionable!

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[Jan. 24th, 2015|08:28 pm]


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A quick word about activity checks, they will cut off on the 24 of every month. If you're on hiatus that's cool, if not and you miss this really minor thing we'll ask. If anything's going on, such as we know Kai, Loz and Jed aren't well at the moment, we'll make adjustments just tell us.

As long as you put up two posts in any of the IG comms for every month we'll be cool. We'll remind everyone half way through the month.
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