Out of character community for Stone Gap - January 21st, 2015 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Out of character community for Stone Gap

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January 21st, 2015

[Jan. 21st, 2015|01:32 pm]


h.About time I introduced myself and the muses lurking in my head.

I'm Jeds, one of the mods. I only have five muses (at the moment... I do have a hold for a sixth and I miiight revive another muse but I'm not sure about her yet).

Prattle warning.... At the moment I have: Cut for Prattle... )

Looking forward to playing with everyone - any plot ideas, feel free to reply below, grab me in AIM or the Stone Gap Blast Chat or drop me an email ;)

Also if you want to discuss any already relationship or 'how you character might know mine' things that can be played out in the Past Comm - do that too :P
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