Apr. 11th, 2008 @ 07:27 am Stirs News
I'm going to be updating Stirs today with stories from LJ. I am not posting anything new so you might want to filter your f-lists to avoid the spam. Just a heads up so you are warned before you get caught in the rush of fics while I bring IJ up to speed with LJ.
Grant's Gossip
Apr. 11th, 2008 @ 07:30 am Walk The Line

Title: Walk The Line

Authors: sevs_lil_secret and unbroken_halo

Disclaimer: Anything that resembles Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling.

Summary: As Grant comes of age, he decides who he wants as his husband. Now he just has to convince a certain Marine. Set in the fall and winter of 1951.

Warnings: Discrimination, Cultural Differences, Abuse, Discussion of Magical, Witchcraft and Indian beliefs, First Time, Money shot

Author’s Notes: It has been previously stated that Grant cannot use wandless magic. What he is doing in this piece is not wandless it’s more like a summoning or channelling a call to the Power. It’s inclusion here in this piece is to substantiate the different between the Indian magic and the more structured training that Damon had as well as to show that while Grant can do magic it‘s not near as powerful as he could have been or as Damon is. This is why he needs his Marine and explains why he does things mostly the Muggle way.

Walk The Line by Johnny Cash )
Grant's Gossip
Apr. 11th, 2008 @ 08:13 am Walk The Line Part 2

Title: Walk The Line

Authors: sevs_lil_secret and unbroken_halo

Disclaimer: Anything that resembles Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling.

Summary: Damon and Grant’s relationship progresses

Warnings: Discrimination, Cultural Differences, Abuse, Discussion of Magical, Witchcraft and Indian beliefs, First Time, Money shot

Author’s Notes: It has been previously stated that Grant cannot use wandless magic. What he is doing in this piece is not wandless it’s more like a summoning or channelling a call to the Power. It’s inclusion here in this piece is to substantiate the different between the Indian magic and the more structured training that Damon had as well as to show that while Grant can do magic it‘s not near as powerful as he could have been or as Damon is. This is why he needs his Marine and explains why he does things mostly the Muggle way.

Because you're mine I walk the line )
Grant's Gossip
Apr. 11th, 2008 @ 08:33 am Walk The Line Part 3

Title: Walk The Line

Authors: sevs_lil_secret and unbroken_halo

Disclaimer: Anything that resembles Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling.

Summary: Damon and Grant’s relationship progresses

Warnings: Discrimination, Cultural Differences, Abuse, Discussion of Magical, Witchcraft and Indian beliefs, First Time, Money shot

Author’s Notes: It has been previously stated that Grant cannot use wandless magic. What he is doing in this piece is not wandless it’s more like a summoning or channelling a call to the Power. It’s inclusion here in this piece is to substantiate the different between the Indian magic and the more structured training that Damon had as well as to show that while Grant can do magic it‘s not near as powerful as he could have been or as Damon is. This is why he needs his Marine and explains why he does things mostly the Muggle way.

I keep a close watch on this heart of mine )
Grant's Gossip
Apr. 11th, 2008 @ 08:53 am Walk The Line Part 4

Title: Walk The Line

Authors: sevs_lil_secret and unbroken_halo

Disclaimer: Anything that resembles Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling.

Summary: Damon and Grant’s relationship progresses

Warnings: Discrimination, Cultural Differences, Abuse, Discussion of Magical, Witchcraft and Indian beliefs, First Time, Money shot

Author’s Notes: It has been previously stated that Grant cannot use wandless magic. What he is doing in this piece is not wandless it’s more like a summoning or channelling a call to the Power. It’s inclusion here in this piece is to substantiate the different between the Indian magic and the more structured training that Damon had as well as to show that while Grant can do magic it‘s not near as powerful as he could have been or as Damon is. This is why he needs his Marine and explains why he does things mostly the Muggle way.

I keep my eyes wide open all the time )
Grant's Gossip
Apr. 11th, 2008 @ 09:22 am Indian Love Call

Title:Indian Love Call

Authors: sevs_lil_secret and unbroken_halo

Disclaimer: Anything from Harry Potter and that universe belongs to JK Rowling. No money was made from writing this bit of fiction.

Summary: July of 1952. Damon takes Grant, Magpie and her boyfriend, David War Lance to the county fair. Afterwards Damon gets a preview of the problems he is likely to encounter as their relationship turns more serious.

Warnings: Public Sex, Discussion of Rainwalker family, Mentions of Family Discipline

AN: Grant’s family is not happy with him seeing a white man. His mother goes to extreme measures hoping to deter Grant from Damon. This is not uncommon from the ‘home corrections era’ in families from this time period.

Indian Love Call By Slim Whitman )
Grant's Gossip
Apr. 11th, 2008 @ 09:42 am Indian Love Call Part 2

Title:Indian Love Call

Authors: sevs_lil_secret and unbroken_halo

Disclaimer: Anything from Harry Potter and that universe belongs to JK Rowling. No money was made from writing this bit of fiction.

Summary: July of 1952. Damon takes Grant, Magpie and her boyfriend, David War Lance to the county fair. Afterwards Damon gets a preview of the problems he is likely to encounter as their relationship turns more serious.

Warnings: Public Sex, Discussion of Rainwalker family, Mentions of Family Discipline

AN: Grant’s family is not happy with him seeing a white man. His mother goes to extreme measures hoping to deter Grant from Damon. This is not uncommon from the ‘home corrections era’ in families from this time period.

Indian Love Call By Slim Whitman )
Grant's Gossip
Apr. 11th, 2008 @ 10:10 am No Bravery

Title: No Bravery

Authors: sevs_lil_secret and unbroken_halo

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and company belong to JK Rowling. No money was made writing this fiction.

Summary: Takes place immediately after Damon returns to Korea after Letters from War. Damon is captured and interred in a POW camp just before the end of the Korean War. Grant and the Wolffe’s learn to deal with the aftermath after the Marine returns home.

Warnings: Torture, Abuse, Violence, Dark Fic, Rape, Language, S&M

Author’s notes: The reader may find themselves wondering how Grant could possibly want to pursue any type of alternative relationship, much less even want to marry the man who came back to him from war. People should look to the time period and remember that 'home correction' was common place; that if it happened between a couple, it was not considered rape; that Grant is a product of being raised to not walk away from your man, that you see things through. For many this may be hard to read and you will most likely come away from it hating Damon and not understanding why Grant didn't leave. All I can say is that at that time, relationships were not disposable as they are now, they'd already lost a child and Grant had left his world to be with Damon. Trust me, it gets much, much better in their lives.

A nation blind to their disgrace… )
Grant's Gossip
Apr. 11th, 2008 @ 11:06 am No Bravery Part 2

Title: No Bravery

Authors: sevs_lil_secret and unbroken_halo

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and company belong to JK Rowling. No money was made writing this fiction.

Summary: Takes place immediately after Damon returns to Korea after Letters from Home. Damon is captured and interred in a POW camp just before the end of the Korean War. Grant and the Wolffe’s learn to deal with the aftermath after the Marine returns home.

Warnings: Torture, Abuse, Violence, Dark Fic, Rape, Language, S&M

Author’s notes: The reader may find themselves wondering how Grant could possibly want to pursue any type of alternative relationship, much less even want to marry the man who came back to him from war. People should look to the time period and remember that 'home correction' was common place; that if it happened between a couple, it was not considered rape; that Grant is a product of being raised to not walk away from your man, that you see things through. For many this may be hard to read and you will most likely come away from it hating Damon and not understanding why Grant didn't leave. All I can say is that at that time, relationships were not disposable as they are now, they'd already lost a child and Grant had left his world to be with Damon. Trust me, it gets much, much better in their lives.

A nation blind to their disgrace… )
Grant's Gossip