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ooh lil la [05.17]

hi i'm lily and i'm currently incredibly obssessed with lady gaga. what are you obsessed with? or easier, what album are you looking forward to this summer?
10 - comment

hey dudes and dudettes! adds have been completed for today. as always, please be sure to run the button and pick up the buddylist when it is updated. nothing much to report on today, we didn't get any responses to the secrets journal, so that won't be happening in the near future. last but certainly not least, we would like to congratulate juliet simms and brittany francis on reaching 100 points! have a great night, xoxo.

add & welcome )

fare thee well )

updates due )

deverly hillbilly [05.03]

i'm devin and i'm counting down the days until i can draw unemployment
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charlaphernelia & here is my fb [05.02]
hello! my name is charlavail or vail (just not charla please) and if i had to describe myself in a word that starts with the same letter of my name it would have to be creative. what would yours be?

ps - leave your sns for ims since i can't upload the bl right now :)
31 - comment

ninjash turtles [04.09]

hi! i'm ashley, lets be friends! whats your name?
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hall and sara [04.08]

hey, i'm sara, and this is how i dance. always. how do you dance?
13 - comment

biebsandbabes or customs, idc. [04.07]

Yo what up guys. I'm Justin Bieber and you will more than likely fall in love with me in the next few minutes. Just sayin. Oh, and btw, what's your a/s/l from back in the day?
41 - comment

garboage band [04.07]

helloooo everyone, anyone up at this ungodly hour?
7 - comment

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