Friday, March 8th, 2024


So I don't really get this whole -- TicketyTocker thing but everyone seems to listen to the other people on here who make videos and speak their minds. It seems to influence a lot of people so I'm going to try my best to reach out to as many people as I can tonight to say -- what really should never need to be said.

Women are human beings and therefore need to be respected as human beings. Women's rights are human rights. If women aren't allowed to vote then nobody should be voting. If women aren't given fair wages, we should all be on strike. I stand with women. I stand for humanity. What do you stand for?
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Thursday, February 15th, 2024

Public Service Announcement

Hey guys, I'm going to be trying harder to maintain our town's family structure so we're gonna try something out. Starting today, women's salaries are going to be cut in half and the men's salaries will be doubled. Let's try it for the month and see how it feels.

We'll regroup and vote on this at the end of the month- er- I mean the men will vote. For now, for less political discourse in the house, we'll try out letting only men vote.

I know this feels extreme, but the divorce rate is at a whopping 3% of marriages, which as you all know is the highest rate Stepfurt's ever seen. Currently more than 30% of adults who are of age are still not married.

So starting today, February 16th, voting March 16th.
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Monday, January 29th, 2024

If my man says I can’t wear the outfit, I’m not wearing it .
Simple 🤷🏻‍♀️
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