Wednesday, December 30th, 2020

Why Feminism is Poison; Video.

There's a serious problem going on in this town. No doubt the worst and most pressing issue at present.

Feminism. Before the snowstorm descends on this post with nasty comments from liberals, let me say my piece. We all know feminism is not about equality, it's all about trying to be better than and oppress men. If I had a dollar for every time a feminist accused a man of "mansplaining" something just for talking, I'd be a billionaire by now. They say men are trash, they say they hate men, they say being masculine is toxic. They say anything and everything to put down men, break their self-esteem, and undermine their manhood so men could stop being men and start being these hyper-feminine girlie boys who wear makeup and cook and clean. The war on gender has never been so intense and dangerous. Do you want to live in a world with no men? Because that's what radical feminists want.

And what about the feminists that don't identify as radical? You're all guilty too. You claim to want equality with men but that's your problem right there. Men and women aren't equal already. We weren't built to be equal. Men are stronger, men are bigger, men are smarter, men are more practical. That doesn't make men better but it is what it is. Women aren't worse than men, we compliment men. Women are physically weaker than men because we're softer which is a good thing. We're not as smart as men, that doesn't mean we're stupid. It means we're not built for running society or leadership. We're built to support the society that men create and that's a tremendous responsibility and it's a vital one. Women are emotional, it's not something we can control. We have hormones that make us kind of crazy. [She laughs] But it also makes us more sensitive when it comes to rearing children. It gives us the natural instinct to care for our men and children. Men work out of the home so women can work in the home. We're a team. We were made to do this, two cohesive units coming together as one. Yin and Yang.

So why are feminists trying to erase our natural differences so we can pretend women are athletes and business people and leaders? Why are they trying to destroy men? Why are they trying to destroy our society?

Feminism is literally poison to a happy peaceful natural order. Are there any women brave enough to come out and say it with me?
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Wednesday, November 25th, 2020

Narrative or Open at any point

[Laurel's wedding is today. Guest list included Models current and past, their plus ones, and the "Latina" filter. But from the dating plot, her guest list multiplied from plus ones.
Bri, Howard, Finn, Annie, Jordan, Elise, Lola, Ricky, Yahira, Jason Todd, Midge, Dwayne, Dee, Janie, Steve, Robin, Dime, Martha, Cook, Hazel, James, Harriet, Ben, Natasha, Diego, Cindy, Allison, Cassie, Matt, Kitty, Ike, Selena, Mike, Ieisha, Tom, Francesca, Kevin, Zooey, Ransom, Phoebe, Curtis, Ruth, Steve, Maria, David, Lesley, Stiles, Priscilla, Diana, and Axel. Not to mention the neighbors. She was planning a small intimate party, but it's the furthest from that. She told Amos there wouldn't be press there, but Ieisha came in looping arms with a reporter.

Luckily, everything from their registries was purchased for them and then some. They got cash gifts and everything. During the ceremony, Robin was her maid of honor. Laurel delivered a heartfelt speech during her vows about how Amos changed her life and brought her closer to her true self with his work ethic and how his way of life changes her for the better every day. She talks about how excited she is to spend the rest of her life in this swamp with someone who pushes her to be better. The ceremony is beautiful and scenic, they all stay on their comfortable yachts with champagne during the ceremony and the reception is in their newly renovated home which remarkably fit the 60+ people rather comfortably. The liquor is flowing, the food is catered (so there's enough despite the sudden boom of unexpected guests) and as people trickle on home, Laurel and Amos stay on their rooftop to entertain the handful of guests who remain.

Nightfall comes around and she collapses on the bed next to Amos ready to sleep for a year. The place is a mess from the party and they live in a swamp so going to bed now would be inviting wildlife to break in and "clean up" their scraps and she does not want alligators or hogs breaking in so she drags herself back out of bed and starts cleaning up. By the time it's all done, the sun starts to rise. She climbs into bed again and pulls Amos's arm over her. He'll be getting up soon to hunt before Thanksgiving starts. She knows he's almost up]
Let's stay in bed today, okay? Okay.
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Monday, November 9th, 2020

Narrative or Spam

[Married life isn't glamourous. She cannot stress enough how unglamorous this life is. Amos eats like a horse and Laurel's not the best cook. He's really sweet though. He inhaled the eggs and she's certain there were at least a few shells in it. She spends the day scrubbing down the rickety old shack from top to bottom then talks to some neighbors. One of the ladies said she'll teach Laurel how to do a "boil" if she can help out in the kitchen and she does. By the time Amos comes home she has a pot's worth of food ready. Today was like a crash course on everything she thought being a housewife would entail only on steroids because they're living in a swamp.

She also spoke to the plumbers and electricians. They're not zoned for anything, but since they're millionaires she was able to get them to pull a few strings. They should be able to get started by next week then after they set up the hookups, she can call the carpenter to start renovations. For now, though, their home contains 3 rooms. A bedroom, a bathroom with a septic tank, and a kitchen.

She'll stop by the model house in the morning to pick up her clothes and go shopping for some more swamp-appropriate attire because her heels sink in the mud. She tells her plans to Amos as they sit at the table. She tells him about all of her adventures and how she's going to learn how to do some of the activities the neighbors mentioned. She wants to go down the bayou with him on a raft and look at the cypress trees and feed the boars. She also wants a dog. She talks about everything like a kid who learned a new thing at school today. There's excitement, but mostly because it's new and challenging]
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