Saturday, April 20th, 2024


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Tuesday, March 5th, 2024

Wedding Spam

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Monday, February 26th, 2024

Spam Pies

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Wednesday, February 21st, 2024


Story time!

Today my friends, I'm going to talk about something many of you have been requesting for days. What happened? What happened between me and Lisa? Well, I'm not a nepo-baby so I can't write a bunch of bullshit down and belt it out for all of Stepfurt to hear so I'm going to let you all know here. Here you are, friends. What really went down right from the horse's mouth, exclusively on TicketyTocker.

I met Lisa online. She slid into my DMs and told me she was a big fan of my content and was asking about my IED and how I managed all that. She actually said it was because her brother has unexplained anger issues. That he physically flies off the handle to the point where he is even literally biting people like a rabid animal and attacking her. She said she had depression but she's the only one in her family who's concerned about mental health. I told her to see if her brother can get evaluated and to be careful because you never know what someone's triggers are.

So after we made that initial connection, we just immediately clicked. I really liked her, she was open and she wasn't afraid of like, showing me all the bad stuff with the good. She told me that like all of siblings from one side, like all 5 of them were abusive narcissists and it made me feel horrible for her because I know what it's like to have abusive family. You all know my father is an abusive piece of shit who I've gone no-contact with. I have Maxine and she's all the family I need so we really connected through having a fucked up family.

Then we hook up for the first time and boom. Immediately after -- should've been a red flag here but it wasn't. Immediately after she says she is in a relationship, guys. She says she has a boyfriend and get this, he's married. She didn't tell me that part right away, I actually found that out later. So she tells me that she's in a relationship and I'm just like...what? If you like me then why not just be with me, you know? And she's like okay yeah, let's do that. And just like that, we're official.

The very next day she needs me to meet her entire family. That was a whole different shit show for a different day. I've never had a relationship move so fast before but I'm here thinking we have this connection right? It's intense so maybe I should just go with it. A couple days later, she tells me that she's fucked a lot of her friends like immediately before we got together. I'm like... okay. I let it go, but like I said, I was just ignoring shit.

So I'm spending all my time with her and her family -- my medication for my IED hasn't been invented yet. I'm just trying my best to keep my routine to keep from getting dysregulated but Lisa parties. Alcohol, drugs, up late; she's like down. I'm trying to keep up and I'm struggling. Whenever I feel myself getting triggered, I immediately try to remove myself from the situation. You guys, this woman who swears she's a fan of my content, swears she's been following me from before we even got sent back here; refuses to let me walk away from any conflict. She follows me around, she invades my space, and just won't let me breathe. That should've been the end of it, but I'm a fucking idiot.

So we've been together for literally just days now. You probably thought time was passing, right? Wrong. It's been days. Feels like every single day, she's crying to me about what fucking assholes her family members are. What fucking assholes her parents are and for the life of me, I really believed it. She knows them better than me, right? Why would I think it was bullshit? She tells me every single cop in this town is a bastard and begs me to help her figure out how to save her dad from his ways. I spent so much time trying to talk her through all this shit. I couldn't even understand why such a sweet fucking girl had such a rough fucking deal. How everyone just beats on her and treats her like shit. My heart was fucking broken for her. I wanted to protect her. She asked to move in literally 3 days into our relationship and I said yes like a fucking idiot. I wanted to save her. That was the beginning of the end.

A lot of shit happened during the second and last week of our relationship. A lot of shit. My sister came and she tried to help me get back on track. Tried to help protect Lisa from all the bad people in her life. That's just Maxine. She has a big heart. If you tell her you need help, she'll do everything she can to help you. Lisa acted like she needed to be rescued from her family so we both tried to rescue her together. Neither of us saw the pattern that whenever she'd be playing the victim, she didn't actually ever want to change her situation. She just wanted to be sad. Lisa is always always sad or crying over something but she doesn't want to do shit about it. My problem was that I got too involved.

She told me that she loved me and I wasn't ready to say it back yet. We were just two weeks in and I didn't want to just say words to say words. I wanted to make sure it was real first. That didn't go over well. She got really pissed about it. She also got really pissed that I didn't want to fuck her one time when she was in the mood when I wasn't. Said all this shit about how she must be fat and shit. Just really trying to guilt me and make me feel like I was like, tearing down her self-esteem. I was in shock at how quickly I became the bad guy.

Then her dad told her that he wanted her to move in with her sisters in this new house he bought. She said she didn't want to go so I told her, like -- don't, right? That was the wrong answer. I learned the hard way that with people who are perpetual victims, there is no right answer. They just want to feel picked on and that's just who she is.

The last fight we had was over one of her friends. After that shit went down with that producer, she was understandably in a bad place. Scarlet Rose took that opportunity to shame and blame her for nearly being raped and it really pissed me off. Pissed Maxine off. That's the last thing a victim of assault needs to hear so we came to her defense. I believe it may have been literally the very next day or maybe the day after when she and Scarlet are making plans to hang out and get fucking boba tea together. And I'm like, now we look like fucking idiots for telling the bitch off if you're still gonna be chill with her. Her response to that was to cheat on me and dump me via text. She said I'm better off without her in typical Lisa "I'm a victim" fashion.

And now she's making money off of it. Off of "her pain". I'm telling you all right now that all of what she's saying is 100% bullshit. Lisa is a liar, she's a cheater, she's a master manipulator. She calls everyone in her life a narcissist because that's what she is. She doesn't have any friends. If you think you're her friend, I guarantee she's talking shit about you behind your back because that's just what she does. If you are in her life, you are a bad guy in it.

That's it, folks. That's the story.
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Thursday, January 4th, 2024

Attention spans

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