Wednesday, October 21st, 2020

Model House

[Ieisha only got here a few days ago but this house feels so cold it's unsettling. Some of the girls are traumatized, other girls are in prison. She knows what she has to do.

She orders takeout from the local pizza joint. Then she turns on some chick flicks. She's in her jammies and she calls everyone down]

Okay ladies, it's time for a girls night. I have pizza, movies, booze, and brownies. I'm tired of living with strangers.
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Monday, October 12th, 2020


[Steve rolls into town with a very strong BAAAAstan accent because Stevie moved to the big B when he was a tyke. He worked his ass off from smolboi to the strongest goddamn man in his high school where he peaked then became a cop right out of graduation. Wielding a gun and a badge gave him unlimited power. People fear him, respect him, and revere him. He's been on the force for years now and made a name for himself in this town so when he. showed up here last month he put his tablet away and kept his nose to the grindstone working his way up again from scratch. It wasn't long before the townspeople grew to love and respect him here too. He's just got a way with people that makes people look up to him- barring bad guys of course, those are scared shitless because they know he doesn't take any crap.

It wasn't until yesterday when a new guy brought in one of those models for dinner that he even remembered he had a tablet of his own. He reviews the materials from the case and decides Maria's innocent even though he knows the courts might have something else to say about it since she killed him and inherited his company but he and the new guys head over to the Model house again to look for anything that can help corroborate her side of the story. Interviews with the other girls, looking for any cameras. They split up to cover more ground.

Each girl gets an interview.]
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Monday, October 5th, 2020

Model House

[He walks into the dressing room while the girls are getting changed and takes a good gander at all of them. He'd reach out to grab one of them by the hoofa but he'll save that for later, after he gets his wife back in her place by his side. His sweet sweet wife. She's got an ass so nice, you spank it twice. Oh yeah, that's one sweet and spicy hot bun. Lord, what a booty.]
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Thursday, October 1st, 2020


I don't know if this is... against status quo or whatever? I know a lot of people here seem to think classes shouldn't mix but I'm excited as hell.

If you wanna party with Stepfurt's newest supermodel, come out to [Address]. Drinks are on me and yes I do mean literally. Body shots! [She says right before taking a shot off Kitty.

Party spams below]
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Sunday, September 27th, 2020

Accidental Video Post

197. 198. 199. 200. [He says, doing pull-ups. After he's all done he comes to the camera]
Oh my, how embarrassing... now everyone will know I'm- secretly ripped as fuck.
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Saturday, September 19th, 2020

Model House

Dibs on Bucky. The hot one with one arm.
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Friday, September 18th, 2020

Women 21+

Hi, I just showed up here and got scouted for [New Upcoming Modeling Agency]. Has anyone heard of them before?
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