Thursday, October 15th, 2020

Fight Spam

[In comments]
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Tuesday, October 13th, 2020

This Video For All To See

[Camellia's writing in her diary. As she writes, her voice narrates herself to words.]

Dear Diary,

Today I added five new toenails to my special jar today. I never told you this, but when no one's around, I like to grab one of Brick's fingernail clippings or toenail clippings from my collection jar and chew it. I'm obsessed with them, they're so yummy. One day when we're married I'll collect his teeth and wear them as a necklace and just suck on them. I love his teeth.

Last night I dreamed Bucky banged me again and chopped me into tiny pieces to serve on a silver platter to Brick. Lord Brick was pleased. Then Captain America threw all my meat on a grill with barbecue sauce and fed me piece by to my sweet love, and lightly dabbed the sauce from the corners of his mouth. Then Bucky and Cap tenderly sucked his sweet toes as all the pieces of me travelled to his stomach and then made a baby of us for him to birth.

When I woke up this morning I cried because it was all a dream. Why can't my wishes ever be true?!


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Sunday, October 11th, 2020


Hey, raincheck on that date later. [She says, trying to figure out how to tell him that she cheated on him... that's cheating right? She doesn't even know at this point. Also she witnessed domestic violence and a murder... she's not sure she should be around him right now... or anyone for that matter]

Hi... can we talk?


I need to tell you somethi-

[Junior Avengers/Avengers]
Thanks for everything, I quit.
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Wednesday, October 7th, 2020

Junior Avengers

[Interviews with Jazz in comments.

Suzie talks to her and puts in her vote into the "Yay or Nay" box after, it's a yay for her.]
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Sunday, October 4th, 2020

Junior Avengers Meeting

[Godmodding that they all showed up]
Okay so, first order of business, we should talk about what happened today... and what happens sometimes.

When the adults argue, we have to stay out of it. No matter what. Nobody cares about who you like best. I like Natasha, Peters and Phase, we know you like Tony, Evan, we know you like Cap. Everyone has their favorites, but they're people. They're going to fight and we're going to get grounded and we're going to get in trouble.

We need to stick together. We're a team beyond what they put together for us and if all of them disappeared today, we'd still be here as a team. We need to make a promise that no matter what happens, we're going to stay on this team. That means training together, communicating, and standing together when we're confronted.

[She passes around the pizza boxes so everyone can snack on them.]

All in favor? [She waits for the responses then goes on]

Second order of business. New additions. Phase's friends are here, Chaos and Metronome. Evan's friend is here, Jazz. And I personally think Andi and Scott would be good here. I know it's a lot of new people at once, but I think we could swing it if everyone's okay with it. What are your thoughts?
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Teens; Against Evil

Does anyone wanna go to the mall?

[Includes Junior Avengers and Hooligans]
Hi, my name is Jasmine Hale and I'm a mutant. Evan's my friend from another world and he mentioned that you guys train people like me who want to help fight crime. I was in Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters at home so this is literally exactly what I want to do in my life and if someone is willing to train me I'd be very grateful.

Right now I can do this. [She backs up and closes her eyes, focusing hard then suddenly she levitates. She goes higher and higher until her head bumps the ceiling then her concentration breaks and she starts to fall, but catches herself before hitting the ground.] Oops... [She smiles at the camera then continues her demonstration] I can also do this. [She picks up some buttons that she was planning on pinning to her purse with her telepathy and moves them around before setting them all down.] And I'm getting better every day, but I know I can do more if I practice hard enough. I was trying to make a force field and it's still really small, about the size of my hand, but I think I can make it bigger if I practice enough.

I think I should learn Jiu Jitsu.
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Saturday, October 3rd, 2020

Someone call a tailor because I think Stepfurt needs a Button.
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Friday, October 2nd, 2020


[*Non-humans. Vampires and other enhanced humans are not included]
Hey, I'm Andi.554322
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Tuesday, September 29th, 2020


Got my test results back. Guess who's officially an 11th grader?
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Monday, September 28th, 2020

Adults 21+

Is it just me or does 90% of this town need a cold shower. Isn't there anyone who just wants to be friends and not have meaningless sex? If so, can we be friends? Because I'm just not into all that and I have no idea if I'm alone in this or not.
(53 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, September 27th, 2020

Morning Spevan

[Helena comes with Millie to Cap's practice. She's growing to trust Millie, she seems safe. Like Scott seemed. She runs the drills Captain America suggests and then the kids separate into individual training. Most are sparring, one boy lifts incredible weights, two boys- she assumes twins- are climbing a wall with no grips, some boys sit in front of computers in a circle, some do target practice, she feels the panic building. There are too many kids with special abilities here. That's when she spots him. She knows that face. He's part of the program. She can't tell who else is in on it, but he is. He makes water shoot up into the air from the palm of his hand and erases it before it lands.

She has to kill him. It's her only chance. She tunes Millie out and stomps, letting the ground crash into it like a tidal wave. It would have hit if one of the boys scaling the wall didn't swing over like a monkey and sweep him up. She shoots stone spears at them.]
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Junior Avengers

[Includes MJ, Lesley, and anyone else in their friends group]
Avengers Assemble.

[She's in the skate park with a big bag of lollipops because she's not sure how many people see this now] We need to debrief.

[She comes to the house to meet him, she recognizes the name]
Hi, I'm Suzie. [She goes for the handshake]
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Saturday, September 26th, 2020

Junior Avengers+

[Junior Avengers & Friends (AKA MJs, Lesley, etc)]
OMFG. Guess what I just saw.
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[Mr. Stark/Happy]
Are you here too?

[Aunt May]
Please be here.


Would it be weird if I asked you to tell me your entire life story?
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Hey, MJ told me you've been teaching her how to fight and defend herself. That's really cool of you.

[Mr. Stark]

I think another me just showed up.


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Come fight me.
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Wednesday, September 23rd, 2020

Practice Spam

[Open practice for Junior Avengers and Hooligans]

Avengers Adults;Backdated
Dorian's been kicked off the initiative. He's been bullying Evan right under my nose for all these weeks.
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Fancy Party

[Dorian also throws a fancy party for him and his friends. There's a dress code for tonight in this new house he borrowed for the night and dances fancy with his best girl to this fancy song.. There's booze and other fun things courtesy of his little brother who, disappointingly, decided to let Dorian just kick his ass now.

More spams below.]
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Monday, September 21st, 2020

Avengers (includes honorary avengers)

Assemble. Who's here, hands up.
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[Junior Avengers & Hooligans]
I finished decorating my room.

Want to come over?
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