Saturday, June 26th, 2021


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Thursday, May 20th, 2021


ova heyah
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Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020


I think Mortie might need therapy.

Maria and Katherine
I need two things. I girl's day and a triple date night... unless you're not ready, Maria.
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Monday, November 9th, 2020

Lorraine and Millie, also all Steves and Buckys, and Katherine

Hey. So I don't know if you saw the video today, but Brick needs help. Therapy, probably. [He's been doing research, and while it was treated as a thing to be ashamed of back in his day, he knows it's different here and now, even if he's struggling with some things himself.]

Obviously that's not something I'm qualified for. But I need help for him.


Just checking in. You doing okay? I assume you're still at Stark's with
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Friday, November 6th, 2020

Spamz and Network Stuff Condensed

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Thursday, November 5th, 2020

Spams 11/5

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Monday, November 2nd, 2020


[*Cops, Significant others of cops, all Steves and their SOs and family, all Bucky's and their SOs and family,.]
So we have a few weeks to go but this is exactly the time to start scheduling plans for the Thanksgiving holiday. We're hosting a feast at ours and you're all invited. Bring your partner or your friend, bring your kids, bring that handsome man or pretty woman you've had your eye on. There'll be food, of course, movies, sports, and games. I want to do our first holiday here right. What do you say? Bear in mind, I won't take no for an answer.
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Monday, October 26th, 2020

Oh boy...You've really done it now...
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Tuesday, October 20th, 2020

Good Morning Stepfurt... is that right? Stepfurt? We moved from Stepford right over to Stepfurt, okay. Good Morning Stepfurt, this is Josh Bath with the Realest Hour.

And again, it's such an honor to be a part of this amazing news team. Seems we have quite a bit of news to cover today since most of this stuff happened at least a week ago. So first things first, Ronald Trunt was killed by his wife Maria Michael in the dressing room of the modeling agency that he owned. It's unclear whether or not Mrs. Michael is facing any jail time over that. Does anyone know? Drop a line if you know.

Anyways, I don't know who had time to catch that concert the other night by that band of mutant teenagers but I hope you didn't because -- a lot of people died. Total massacre of human lives by both the band and half of the Avengers until the end there when the bad Avengers suddenly switched sides and turned on the band. No word really about what happened there either but I'm scared. I don't know about you but I'm terrified. I literally cannot sleep at night because I'm afraid one of them's going to rip my house apart and kill me. It's been five days and no sleep. I've had so much coffee just to function right now, can you see my hand? Can I get a closeup on my hands? They're trembling, see? I can't tell if it's the fear or the caffeine at this point. Probably both. I wonder what's going on in their heads during something like that. No, I wonder what's going on in their heads just in their ordinary lives. Some of these guys are married, right? Some have girlfriends and boyfriends. I wonder what it's like to try to balance being pretty much a normal life and Avengers stuff.

So let me ask you a question, what do you think? Could you date someone who has godlike powers and runs the whole town to their liking? I think I could. I think I could. It's intimidating but not in a bad way. What do you think? Call in, lines are open. I want to hear what the people of Stepfurt think about this.
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Monday, October 19th, 2020

Jim Spim

Okay, now that we're both calm, let's talk about this like adults.

You want the money and the house, fine. You can have all of it, but only if you remove the mountain ash from all the exits and allow me to leave. We can do this amicably.
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Tuesday, October 13th, 2020


So I think now is as good a time as any to kick off the youth outreach. I'm renting a building on Main at address and of course there's of course the virtual options.

The rules are of course that everything they say is confidential unless there's something said that implies that they're a danger to themselves or others.

I think we should open up and let the kids sign up and then we can divvy them up after that.
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Monday, October 12th, 2020


Hi Lesley, Maria wanted me to check in with you. How are you feeling?

I feel so terribly for those girls. What if Jim shows up here
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Hi. I need a favor.
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Tuesday, October 6th, 2020

Daily spams

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Monday, October 5th, 2020

During Practice

[As the Hooligans exercise within an inch of their life as punishment for that display yesterday, Natasha takes note of the girl who'd filtered to them yesterday. She's glad she showed up to practice because she'd meant to talk to her but was a little distracted yesterday.]
Hi Jazz, I'm Natasha. I was afraid you wouldn't come today, we didn't get a chance to speak yesterday.
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Sunday, October 4th, 2020

Home spam

[She's on the kitchen counter during dinner]
Could you find out if Evan's telling the truth about not working with the government?
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Thursday, October 1st, 2020


Hi, I'm Andi. I'm wondering who I should talk to about signing up for the rehabilitation boot camp?
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Tuesday, September 29th, 2020

Avengers + (No Minors)

[+ being Pepper]
Okay, can someone please explain to me why anyone thought it was a good idea to let an insane, paranoid, super-powered, kid to training yesterday? Why wasn't I made aware that this girl, who was apparently on the news for trying to murder innocent civilians, was going to be there? I let it slide when the decision was made to reform the arsonist murder gang from the dome but now my kid is in the hospital because of your carelessness, Steve. I want answers and I want a promise that I can trust you to not let this happen again.
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Sunday, September 27th, 2020

Morning Spevan

[Helena comes with Millie to Cap's practice. She's growing to trust Millie, she seems safe. Like Scott seemed. She runs the drills Captain America suggests and then the kids separate into individual training. Most are sparring, one boy lifts incredible weights, two boys- she assumes twins- are climbing a wall with no grips, some boys sit in front of computers in a circle, some do target practice, she feels the panic building. There are too many kids with special abilities here. That's when she spots him. She knows that face. He's part of the program. She can't tell who else is in on it, but he is. He makes water shoot up into the air from the palm of his hand and erases it before it lands.

She has to kill him. It's her only chance. She tunes Millie out and stomps, letting the ground crash into it like a tidal wave. It would have hit if one of the boys scaling the wall didn't swing over like a monkey and sweep him up. She shoots stone spears at them.]
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Accidental Video Post

197. 198. 199. 200. [He says, doing pull-ups. After he's all done he comes to the camera]
Oh my, how embarrassing... now everyone will know I'm- secretly ripped as fuck.
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