Sunday, July 18th, 2021


Here we go!
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Saturday, July 17th, 2021


[He was drinking his green juice when he suddenly appears in some sort of time warp. He immediately thinks this might be something supernatural. Some witch, fairy, mutant or person who came across something with the power to manipulate reality like a tulsa or a tiamat coin. But then again it could be Stepfurt magic.]
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Wednesday, May 26th, 2021

At 7 PM, this video plays.
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Thursday, December 31st, 2020


I miss you. Wanna be my girlfriend again?
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Tuesday, December 29th, 2020


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Thursday, December 24th, 2020

Christmas Spams

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Wednesday, December 23rd, 2020

Video Broadcast; Why Interracial Coupling is Wrong

Hey everyone, it's Kare. I'm here for to drop a healthy dose of hard truth so buckle up and try to expand your mind. So today I'm going to be talking about an issue that actually hits really close to home and I feel very strongly about.

Why Interracial Relations are destroying humanity.

Before you get all up in arms, let me explain something. This is not coming from a place of hate at all. This is me examining the facts and coming to some very real realizations.

Let's just start with the obvious and in my opinion, the most problematic coupling; white and black. Both races are beautiful, dynamic, unique, and contribute very different things to society.

Black people. What do you think of when you think of successful black people? You think basketball, you think performance, you think entertainment. These people are amazing athletes. They're hilarious. They're music -- barring gangsta rap, is some of the best I've ever heard. Michael Jackson? Yes, please.

What do you think of when you think of successful white people? Intellects, architects, educators, CEOs, millionaires, billionaires, world leaders, beautiful women, people who have shaped the world into what it is today.

This is what we contribute separately and it's vitalthat we have both. When we mix races, we dilute what makes each of us great as individuals. White women compliment white men because white women know what white men need to thrive because we're the same. Just like black women understand and can provide whatever it is black men need to do what they do. When a black woman tries to take the place of a white woman and tries to take care of a white man, she's taking care of literally another species than her own. Just because you can still reproduce mixed races babies, doesn't mean you should.

And again, this is not coming from a place of hate. I actually think blacks are super fun under the right circumstances. But unless we want to start moving whites to the ghetto and blacks into Beverly Hills, maybe it's time to just hit pause for a moment and really think of what the long term damage interspecies breeding has on our society.

That's all.

Anyway, I hope you liked the video. Comment below No hate please!
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Tuesday, December 22nd, 2020


[She comes into her bedroom after she sees him come back from work.]
I need to tell you something.

[People who are dating/have dated married men]
Are we monsters?
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Saturday, December 12th, 2020

Spams and network posts condensed

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Monday, December 7th, 2020

Snowed in Spams

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Friday, December 4th, 2020

There's like six Peter Parkers here but as far as I can see, just one Flash. You're welcome Stepfurt, sorry I was so late.

I can't believe all the Avengers are here too. Spiderman even made it over, guys. Spidey if you're reading this, you're number 1.
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Sunday, November 29th, 2020

Narrative or Open

[The last two nights she's been digging around and found herself a nest of vampires that have been feeding on and leaving bodies in the woods. And today is the day it ends. She bursts into their den, staking a handful and lighting the others on fire. After she's done, she makes her way to the nearest club and flirts her way inside to dance off all her extra energy.]
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Wednesday, November 25th, 2020

Thanksgiving Day Spams

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Let's have a weird food party/Thanksgiving at my big ass mansion. I'm bringing these gems from the local supermarket.

Read more )
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Saturday, November 21st, 2020


So where's the best place to grab a drink in this town?
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Friday, November 20th, 2020

[She's not sure how she managed to land in an alternate dimension, but the timing couldn't have been better, all things considered. She even gets a family of her very own even if she figures it won't last long. Still, no point in burning bridges unnecessarily. Maybe she'll get lucky and be able to get a couple of halfway decent meals out of them before they kick her to the curb.

She waits on the doorstep after knocking.]
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