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The Stepfurt Project

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Mommy; Redirect OTA [05 Apr 2021|01:25pm]
Can you pick me up?
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Open (House) Spam [05 Apr 2021|01:52pm]
[He wakes up in a bed and not on the floor and the feeling is so wrong he doesn't know how to react for a moment, lying there with his heart pounding hard in his chest, trying to figure out without alerting anyone to the fact that he's awake. The last thing he remembers is talking to Ayo -- and then everything is just a blank after that. He hears no sound from the room he's in, so when he opens his eyes and sees nothing particular distinct about the room, it takes him a moment to recall. Stepfurt. He's back in Stepfurt. Except -- everything in his head is very different, everything is --

He rubs his hands over his face, wondering how much time has passed here. The last thing he can remember from Stepfurt was telling little Steve goodnight after helping him with some homework. He forces himself to draw in a deep breath before he gets to his feet to figure out what's going on in this place now.]
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Spams [05 Apr 2021|11:29pm]
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