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Jason Spam [30 Nov 2020|08:46am]
[Knock knock.]
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[30 Nov 2020|09:39am]
[The first couple of days were easy. She'd take V from that vial she traded in exchange for her blood, just a drop on a little acid strip or in a sweet little sugar cube, and she'd go on a journey; just for a little while, and come down in time for a meeting or a date or whatever. It's trickier now that school's back in session. She can manage both drugs and school, that's not usually an issue. The opiates she used to take would keep her grounded in a way -- slow time down. V is different. When she takes V, it's like living in a hallucination in a constant state of euphoria. She floats down the halls, her feet never touching the ground. The school bell sings a happy tune and comes down to dance her around, spinning her and dipping her from one class to the next. She comes down before she sees Peter again. All she needs to do is keep timing her trips and she'll be fine. She can keep this up. What can go wrong?]
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Spiles [30 Nov 2020|01:33pm]
[Peter skipped History to pay MJ's new friends a visit. He can't take care of it like he wants to, Liv is MJ's sister and the last thing he wants to do is traumatize MJ. He's not sure what their tolerance is yet either, but he needs to make them understand that MJ can't have any more of their blood. He talks to his suit on the way, figuring out what works on vampires. Garlic, vervain, silver, UV rays, tainted blood, werewolf bites- the list is long... but he has until the end of the period before his English exam so he'll have to make it quick.

He lands on the roof of his house and comes in through the window. His horrible spider legs move quickly as he works his way to the basement where he hears. Liv and Stiles talking]

Hey guys. Hope I'm not interrupting. [He shoots out silver webs to tie them up] Do you have a minute?
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Voice message for Bucky [30 Nov 2020|01:47pm]
[She's been seeing more of him and his wife than ever. He's punishing her for dating Tom. After she does her shoots for the day she leaves a message for Bucky]
Hey. I know you're probably still avoiding me so you probably won't answer... if you even listen to this at all, but I need to get this off my chest.

I just think it's really fucked up. I feel used, I feel lied to, I feel discarded. You told me when Dot came that things weren't serious. That you were just friends. You said you liked me and I believed you and I would have given you everything. I would have waited forever, and I get it, you're punishing me for this but I asked you before I said yes. I asked you and I was going to put you first above Tom or the money or anything. You said it was fine then you bailed on me to take your wife to our spot and it hurts.

You've hurt me more than anybody else ever has, you may not have hit me or abused me, but you broke my trust and I can't take that from you. Everything everyone else did to me would have been fine, I expected it from them, but you were my hero. You were my knight in shining armor and you let me down.

I know it's over now. I tried to get back at you by sleeping with him after I saw what you did, but I know all I did was make it so that you'd never come back. I got so mad and I wanted to hurt you like you hurt me, but all I did was hurt us. I don't know if we could ever get back after what I did or after what you did.

The truth is, I don't know if I'll ever stop loving you. I know who you are and you're always going to be my hero. Even now seeing how cruel you can be, I still love you. Now you see what I can be too. I don't know if you can love that... or if anyone could. But I'm sorry, and I hate that you made me do this. If you don't tell me what I need to hear from you, I'm staying with Tom. He'll never be you, but I think he can love me... this is the chance. Our chance. So if you're still listening... if you listened at all. I just need to know if you still love me.
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Mason [30 Nov 2020|02:00pm]
I just want to say I'm so sorry. I had no idea you didn't tell Skye that you asked me out that day in the ice cream store. If I knew it was a secret, I never would have mentioned it to her when I saw her today.
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Stark [30 Nov 2020|07:19pm]
Hey, are you busy?
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