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Spam 4 Sam [31 Oct 2020|06:47pm]
[It's harder to impersonate himself than he thought. He got into the station, waved at his colleagues and stole a donut on his way to the evidence room. He picks the lock quickly before anyone can see and heads over to Mouse's file. Bloody shirt. Bingo. He takes out his small container and scoops some of the black goo in. Quickly, he puts everything back and hurries back out to meet Sam at the Morgue to see the body to look for any clues. Sam's been in the library looking up similar murder cases, everything that took place around Halloween.]
Guess what? Ectoplasm. [He says, pulling out the container when they're alone standing by Minnie's body.] Did you find anything on our ghost?
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Family Spamily (and friends) [31 Oct 2020|06:51pm]
[Jermaine Jacob Dufresne was born at 6:66am on Halloween. It was a rough delivery but both parties made it out in one piece. He came out a whopping 9 pounds and 15 oz. He's healthy and looks like the spitting image of his paternal grandfather. She looks over at Oz who's handing off the baby to Chaos. She feels it in her soul, Minnie's coming back. She feels like she's in the room right now. She looks over at Jam and holds his hand giving him a smile. He's going to bring her back.]
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[31 Oct 2020|07:25pm]
So my name is Jam. Some of you know me, most of you don't, but I'm a leprechaun. That means I'm magic and I can grant wishes, but not for nothing, never for that. Even when the wish is to breathe new life into my recently deceased sister Minnie.

I'll bring her back good as ever, but on one condition.

I want to beat the ever loving shit of Mouse. I want to pummel him within an inch of his life and I want to live broadcast it. Then I'm gonna bury him in a wee little chest and leave him in there bleeding and broken for at least an hour before anyone comes to rescue the sniveling worm. That's the my condition.

And I don't want anyone to think this is revenge for what happened to Minnie. This isn't even revenge for what he did to his last girlfriend -- my Penny. This is because I fucking hate the fucking Hooligans, Mouse most of all. I just don't like the look of'im, and I think he deserves all the worst things life has to offer before he eventually kicks it. His brother had the right idea.
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Spandy [31 Oct 2020|07:53pm]
[Is high on a pill, he takes her to the woods to kill her for some reason. Cole's not home anymore]
I will literally kill you for sleeping with my boss. [He plops her down on the ground and starts trying to attack her]
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