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The Stepfurt Project

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[17 Sep 2020|07:47am]
This car shows up in the Rogers' driveway.
Hey Dad, can you teach me how to drive?
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PTA (All Stepfurt legal adults); Fail Filter [17 Sep 2020|08:10am]
So now that school is in again, we need to have some hard discussions. My daughter is a local and I don't think she belongs with Displaced children. Locals have special needs, I don't want her to have to try to live up to Displaced children's standards and I don't want her to slow down the Displaced kids progress either. I have two Displaced sons and honestly, being at school should be their time to thrive in a safe environment. I move that we have two separate but equal schools.
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Stiles [17 Sep 2020|09:26am]
I've decided to let you help me. [She sends the text that Agnes and Camellia drafted]
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Accidental Video [17 Sep 2020|05:09pm]

[He has no idea he's being recorded.]
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[ viewing | September 17th, 2020 ]
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