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Narrative [06 Sep 2020|01:08pm]
[Carson's been walking around like a zombie since her punishment began.

Last night Katherine slipped into her bedroom and covered her mouth. She told her not to make a sound. She didn't, she heard her out and something that she said made Carson feel a certain way. She always hated Katherine, she was the heartless lying manipulative bitch that broke Damon's heart 150 years ago then came back and used him then discarded him. She's the same as the Katherine Mason's a fool for. She's over Damon now, but she couldn't shake the feeling that Katherine was out to save her own hide.

She sat Carson down and told her that the Mikaelsons were bad news, that she warned Damon but that he didn't take it seriously. Katherine told him they might kill Carson if he didn't reel her in and he didn't, then he sent her alone to apologize. Katherine admit that she was impressed that Carson walked away from that, the Mikaelsons don't show mercy. She should be dead right now. Katherine drove that point in, she told her that they were unstoppable and merciless. That they'd use her until she stopped being fun and then she'd face the same fate as Damon or worse. That she'll never be in. She also told her that this was her one chance to live a normal life. She has parents, siblings, and a clean slate. She urged her to walk away from this life.

But Carson's not sure what to do with that. She's heard the same things from Skye before. She told her she doesn't have to be a soldier anymore. Carson's not sure what to do if she's not a soldier. She's not sure she can just be a regular kid. She's 19 and she's done things nobody regular could stomach. She's shot her best friend in the head under orders, she stabbed the love of her life in the back and delivered him to the scariest people she ever met. It wasn't out of fear, it was out of habit. She's not a normal kid.

If rediscovering herself means facing the things she's done, she's not sure she wants to do it at all. She could never force herself to care about the things that Faye and Skye and Mandy care about. She's seen the other side and she knows that's where her skills lie. There's a choice to make. Live and die as a soldier or keep pretending she's meant to be here. She pulls out a piece of paper and writes to her family.
Dear Mom and Dad,
I'm sorry. I tried to fit here, but I don't belong. I didn't do it for Damon, I didn't do it for the Mikaelsons, and I didn't do it for Seth. I did it for myself. This is who I am.

I'll love you forever and protect you, but I can't do that here.

Images of the things she's done float through her head ending in Damon burning on the street. She did that, and she's not sorry. He's a casualty of war. She cleans her room and makes her bed, leaving the note in the middle of it then she speeds off to hide out at Cole's place.]
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Open Spam [06 Sep 2020|01:12pm]
[Romanoff explained a lot to him, but he knows better than to trust her. She says this is an alternate dimension and Captain HYDRA doesn't exist here. That Captain America is an Avenger and he calls the shots. He told her that they helped Quinn. What she seems to think he doesn't know, is that Quinn is dead. The Black Widow killed her during Quinn's failed assassination attempt. He keeps his mouth shut about it.

Captain Rogers wasn't clear about whether or not this is a training exercise. His mission is still unclear. Kill the Avengers? Or is this just a way for Captain HYDRA to be rid of the rest of his soldiers. Everyone knew that Quinn was being sent on a suicide mission to kill Black Widow, but they never questioned why. They're not allowed to, but now his mind is wandering to the forbidden question. Why? Why is Captain HYDRA killing his soldiers? To tie up loose ends, is the most probable answer. And if they manage to take down the Avengers while they do it, the better off he is.

He nods to himself. That's what this must doesn't change anything. His loyalty doesn't waver even with new revelation. If he's to be used as a pawn then so be it. Hail HYDRA.

Romanoff decides to let him out of his cell today. She wants to take him for a walk to see how different Stepfurt is from Earth. She doesn't allow him a weapon, it doesn't matter. He knows that, unlike Quinn, he can take Natasha Romanoff. He plans to -- when the timing is right. She walks with him for a lap around the park, talking all the while. Finally, he spots an ice cream vendor.]

May I? It's been so long. [He smiles. She smiles too and nods and goes to stand in line. Once there, he picks her up and hurls her into the cart and slips away into the crowd. If he's going to gain any knowledge about this place, it'll have to be while he's off Natasha's leash.]
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Spam [06 Sep 2020|08:44pm]
[Katherine's in the kitchen with Bucky and she struggles to open a jar maraschino cherries for her cocktail before passing it off to him. It's not that hard, certainly not for a 500 year old vampire, but she does enjoy watching Bucky exert himself any chance she can get

Update: This video plays for all to see]
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