Star Wars Fanfiction - August 14th, 2007

Jarkai Fiction and Graphics posting in Star Wars Fanfiction
User: [info]starwars_fic (posted by [info]jarkai)
Date: 2007-08-14 12:00
Subject: Speculations (Star Wars, Obi and Ani, 331 Words)
Security: Public

Fandom: Star Wars
Title: Speculations (331 Words)
Author: [info]jarkai_fic on LJ/[info]jarkai everywhere else
Theme(s): (For 30_somethings on Insanejournal, Nights: #14 Mirror)
Pairing/Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker
Rating: PG-13, for hints of slashiness.
Disclaimer/claimer: Characters owned by George Lucas.
Critiques: Yes.
Summary: It's not about seeing clearly.
I see you before I hear your soft step on the carpet... )

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Jarkai Fiction and Graphics posting in Star Wars Fanfiction
User: [info]starwars_fic (posted by [info]jarkai)
Date: 2007-08-14 12:01
Subject: Naked (Star Wars, Obi and Ani, 1,063 Words)
Security: Public

Fandom: Star Wars
Title: Naked (1,063 Words)
Author: [info]jarkai_fic on LJ/[info]jarkai everywhere else
Theme(s): (For 30_somethings on Insanejournal, Nights: #19 Skin)
Pairing/Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker
Rating: NC-17, for slash.
Disclaimer/claimer: Characters owned by George Lucas.
Critiques: Yes.
Summary: We won't lie, dear readers. It's a PWP.
I'd tried following him to the bar that night... )

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User: [info]starwars_fic (posted by [info]agentjedi)
Date: 2007-08-14 21:47
Subject: FIC: A Jedi Mind Trick - Anakin, Obi-Wan - PG
Security: Public

TITLE: A Jedi Mind Trick
AUTHOR: agentj / [info]agentjedi
CHALLENGE: [info]50episodes
CLAIM: Obi-Wan Kenobi
TABLE/PROMPT: 3; #09 Champagne
DATE WRITTEN: some scraps of dialogue and names of GFFA drinks 2005, rest August 2007
TIMEFRAME: During Clone Wars
SUMMARY: A quiet moment between friends during the war.

( "Jedi Mind Trick." )

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User: [info]starwars_fic (posted by [info]agentjedi)
Date: 2007-08-14 23:33
Subject: FIC: Tenet of the Code - Obi-Wan, Anakin - R
Security: Public

TITLE: Tenet of the Code
AUTHOR: agentj / [info]agentjedi
CHALLENGE: [info]50episodes
CLAIM: Obi-Wan Kenobi
TABLE/PROMPT: 3; #33 Moment
DATE WRITTEN: October 2005, August 2007
TIMEFRAME: During Clone Wars
SUMMARY: The galaxy is at war, his former padawan has demonstrated he is truly a man, and Obi-Wan finds comfort in their sin. But for the moment, he is content.
CONTENT WARNING: Same sex pairing. Graphic sex.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Ever since I mentioned the "Battle of Yarlu" in one of my stories, I've been re-inserting it ever since. The reason being this story which I thought up when I first put Obi-Wan and Anakin together as a pairing. This was my experiment of starting in the middle of an adult scene, plus I wanted to address Obi-Wan's feelings about having a physical relationship with his former padawan.

( Obi-Wan watched languidly. )

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