starlingooc's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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Hey there! [18 Sep 2014|02:03am]
Hey all, I'm Val and I'm coming in with just the one character for now. This jerk here, better known as Loki from Marvel Cinematic Universe, post Thor: The Dark World. While technically he is a villain, he'll be playing "nice" until he figures out what is going on. More than likely he will lie about his identity and pretend to be a human, since he doesn't have an alien army at his disposal. I have info on him in his journal for anyone who is interested in learning more about him.

Anyway I can be reached through the contact post on Loki's journal, Private messages to this journal or through email at ariyanarpfuntimes@gmail[dot]com. I like forward to playing with everyone. I'll just warn in advance, that I will likely be slow for a little while as I get a groove going between rl and rping again. But despite that, I want all the threads!

[18 Sep 2014|01:56pm]
Since we have been quiet for so long, we decided to do a roll call. We need to get this place moving again. Anyone who does not reply to this roll call by September 27th will be removed.

We just want to make sure people are around. So please reply with your characters, linking to a list or spreadsheet is perfectly fine.
If not please fill out the information below for all characters you have.

For drops

[ viewing | September 18th, 2014 ]
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