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Starling City Net

Starling City
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[12 Oct 2013|12:42am]
Peter is going to love this.

[12 Oct 2013|02:08am]
What are those things?

[12 Oct 2013|02:12am]
This is not good, it seems I have to find a tech leader soon.

[12 Oct 2013|02:14am]
And here I thought nothing could get bad then those people showing up like they did.

[12 Oct 2013|02:15am]
I guess the night club is going to stay closed at night, boss?

[12 Oct 2013|02:17am]
Does anyone know how to stop them?

[12 Oct 2013|02:20am]
Well it least I know how to kill those beast.

[12 Oct 2013|02:24am]
Mr. Queen

I had made sure that staff families are in a safe place and I made sure the team that you had me put on your sister sticks close to her, but not too close to her. If anything attacks her, you should know about it first hand.

[12 Oct 2013|02:25am]
Father, please forgives me for it seems I must walk in my past shoes tonight.

[12 Oct 2013|05:42pm]
Come on, when are we going to get a break? At first we had to fight those things at night and now it seem like I and a little group of people are fighting more in the day time then at night.

[12 Oct 2013|05:57pm]
Seems like the situation at hand is getting worse.

If you are near the hotel, please feel free to come here and stay. There's lots of room, I've given up my room to stay in the suite I'm working out of during the day.

We want everyone to be safe, even if we have to open the businesses halls to be use for sleeping bag and cots.

[12 Oct 2013|08:11pm]
Can I please go back to Gotham City now? Please oh Please? I have zombie gunk in my hair. It wasn't curfew! At least bullets still work...for the moment. But seriously, it's In. My. Hair! And I think there's a chunk of zombie brain in my bra, which, EW!

Text to Thea and Oliver [12 Oct 2013|11:15pm]
I hope everything is alright.

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