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7/4/07 06:29 pm - [info]atlantisfan - Emancipation Tag

Title: Apologies
Rating: PG (for mild language)
Author: [info]atlantisfan
Characters: Daniel, Sam

Apologies. )

7/4/07 06:26 pm - [info]atlantisfan - Weekend Challenge 6/30-7/7

This weekend's episode: Emancipation

Write a tag/missing scene 2000 words or less. Have fun and be creative!! :)

Next weekend: The Broca Divide

6/23/07 07:18 pm - [info]atlantisfan - The Enemy Within Tag

Title: Fighting Demons
Rating: G
Author: [info]atlantisfan
Characters: Daniel, Sam

Fighting Demons. )

6/23/07 03:12 pm - [info]atlantisfan - Finale Challenge

Post your missing scenes from the series finale "Unending". Also, feel free to reply with you thoughts on the episode. What you believe should have happened, what shouldn't have. Just please remember to be respectful to the show, the actors, writers, and most of all each other!!

6/18/07 11:03 pm - [info]atlantisfan - Weekend Challenge 6/15-6-23

This weekend's episode: The Enemy Within

Write a tag/missing scene 2000 words or less. Have fun and be creative!! :)

Next Weekend: Emancipation

6/18/07 11:01 pm - [info]atlantisfan - Children of the Gods Missing Scene

Title: Never Again
Rating: G
Author: [info]atlantisfan
Characters: Daniel

Never Again. )

6/8/07 06:12 am - [info]atlantisfan - Weekend Challenge 6/8-6/15

This weekend's episode: Children of the Gods

Write a tag 2000 words or less. Have fun and be creative!! :)

Next Weekend: The Enemy Within
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