[info]snapetoy wrote
on February 14th, 2006 at 12:24 pm

SS/HP News: 11 - 14 February

Original poster: murklins

[x] Happy Valentine's Day, Harry (G) by [info]rakina
[x] Confessions (PG) by [info]garish_light04
[x] I Still Love You (PG-13) by [info]okami5ryu
[x] Hold On Tight (NC-17) by [info]beathen. Also includes SS/DM.
[x] Snape And The Tie That Binds (PG-13) by [info]the_con_cept
[x] Rubicundum (NC-17) by [info]joanwilder
[x] Three Men and a Rose (NC-17) by [info]eriador117. HP/BW/SS, Under-18.
[x] Roses are Dead… (NC-17) by [info]anise_anise
[x] The Way To A Man's Heart (R) by [info]unbroken_halo
[x] Flowers (PG-13) by [info]wonder_rock
[x] HARRY POTTER and the Goblet of Courage (R) by [info]f13tch3r. Under-18.
[x] A Lesson in Breaking (NC-17) by Anon. Under-18, also includes SS/DM.

Completed Chapter Fics
[x] Hangover and other secondary effects (NC-17) by [info]darkmoore is now complete with chapter 20
[x] Bound (NC-17) by [info]terri911
[x] Lakhesis ([info]moiraithanatoio) reposted The Ripple Effect (NC-17)

Works in Progress
[x] Another Fine Mess... by [info]babblingbrook42 is a new WiP with two chapters: one and two
[x] Light on the Dark Side of Me by CocoaSnape is a new WiP with ten chapters. Possibly Under-18.

Drabbles and Ficlets
[x] Moving Day (PG) by [info]xanthophyllippa
[x] Valentine's Snarry (PG-13) by [info]inari_k
[x] Deeper Than That (PG) by [info]okami5ryu
[x] Mysterious Girlfriend (G) by [info]lobo_solitario
[x] Four Moments After the War (PG-13) by [info]the_con_cept
[x] Untitled (PG-13) by [info]thewenchywiccan

[x] Just Friends (G) by [info]iamarevenant4, now coloured
[x] Brother (G) by Eline Selenius for [info]aspenlight's A Year Like None Other. Gen, Severitus, includes Draco.
[x] Hold Tight, Harry (G) by Landorie for [info]aspenlight's A Year Like None Other. Gen, Severitus.
[x] Snape/Harry V-day card (G) by [info]einheitstochter
[x] You Don't Want Me To Stop (NC-17) by Anon
[x] Quiet Amusement (G) by [info]khames
[x] Valentine's Snarry (G) by [info]kai_fong
[x] Silence (G) by [info]ac1d6urn
[x] Untitled (G) by [info]purest_evil
[x] Naughty Valentines, including Snape/Harry, by [info]laurel_tx
[x] Snarry (NC-17) by [info]mneomosyne

[x] [info]angelsotherlove is looking for some really good and really LONG Snarry fics
[x] [info]combine_rinraw is looking for fic that involves Severus being a horse or centaur

[x] Walking the Plank is wishing Snape/Harry fen a happy Valentine's Day with a totally new look and an invitation to all the authors and artists previously hosted on Detention to bring their work to WTP.
[x] [info]potionssnitches posted the Potions and Snitches Weekly Update

This newsletter
[x] Send your Snape/Harry news to sshp.prophet@gmail.com!


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